Martin Logan - Super Systems... Seeing / Hearing is Believing

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How about the Mcintosh XRT2K speakers.
Tiberium... How about the Mcintosh XRT2K speakers.[/QUOTE said:
Oooh, line arrays, I like that! :p

Should I post a pic of an Infinity IRS V? Sure, why not:


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And some really funky circular arrays. Only $19,000.


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Hi all,

Here's my little system with the Aeons in front.
Unfortunately the center is not ML - but a Dynaudio Focus 220.

Best Regards


Preamp.: Holfi Pre 5.1
Power amp.: ICEPower 500ASP and IcePower 200ASC (center and rear)
DVD, SACD and CD: Denon A11
Tuner: Tandberg TPT3001A


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Very NICE, clean, and asthetically pleasing..... How DO you keep your room so clutter free? ;)
Hi David,

Thanks a bunch for your comment of my setup / room.

Clutter free?

I ALWAYS ask my wife and 2½ year old daughter to clean up our living room -
before I take photos of my system... :D

Best Regards

Zip3kx07 said:
Sonus Faber driven by PassLabs X600 Mono's.


Holy mother of speakerdom...

THAT is nice set of piano gloss cherry Stradivarius Homage speakers..... soooo nice.

One day, one day, one day.....
Genesis said:
Hi Robin...great systems you've's my HT and two channel system, I took a pic recently but haven't posted into the members systems yet. My surrounds are also ML :)


Your setup is also amazing, sir. ;)
Back to ML's

OK, time to see more Martin Logan’s:

Here is a Statement e2 in a room totally inappropriate for them.
Must have bought them second hand, as ML would never approve this setting.


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Close up view of the e2.

Ooh, they are transparent, I can see the window through them... :rolleyes:


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More ML's, this time looks like a Quest or reQuest

Nice room with good acoustics, nice taste in furnishings as well:


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Line arrays

If you like ML's, one of the aspects you like is the line source dispersion. So, many of us have a fetish for line arrays as well. Therefore, to feed that secret desire, here are some more line arrays.

First off, a truly unique center channel line array arranged horizontally. Pretty narrow horizontal dispersion from this thing.

Nice bunch of Plinus amps as well.


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And here are the companion Pipedreams line array speakers that would complement the pipedream center shown above.


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The DC2 by Swan, a cool $100K per set


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the $135K Genesis Flagship


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OK, seems I have a size fetish, I really like big speakers. :eek:

My center is a behemoth, the Monolith's are huge, but man, as the car dudes say, there is no substitute for cubic inches.
Audio-Porn nirvana

OK, you guys looking for some serious Audio-Porn?

Check out this web site:

Specifically, admire the astounding Soundlab electrostat being lovingly appreciated by an enraptured female listener. Nice way to convey the relative size of that speaker as well. ;)

This site has 38 pages of non-stop funky systems, high-end gear and tons and tons of speaker shots. The link above just drops you on page 32 because, well, you’ll see ;)

And just to ensure no discrimination charges are leveled, page 19 has another relative size comparison featuring a male model:

The web master has really funny commentary on much of the gear. Been laughing my a** off this morning.

Enjoy and always wear protection.

What? You know, hearing protection, jeez, what are you thinking? :rolleyes:
JonFo said:

Alright dudes... the Plinius proliferation is really out of hand in that pic. Where's Dan and Dave? They should really see this pic!
JonFo said:
OK, time to see more Martin Logan’s:

Here is a Statement e2 in a room totally inappropriate for them.
Must have bought them second hand, as ML would never approve this setting.


Actually, that room is custom.... completely sound treated and with supporting columns under the Statements. Though it might not look it, it is supposed to be a very good audio room. I think the owners just wanted it to look like a regular room, but be a good audio room underneath it all. Kind of a little incognito if you will. ;)