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Wow, mayor stealth mode then!

I am still skeptical that this is optimized for audio. The speakers seem a little to close to the walls, plus the big reflective surfaces of the glass behind and between the speakers is not great acoustics.

It might be a lot better than it looks, but still not worthy of such great speakers IMHO.

Is there a link to review or info on the room?
Joey_V said:
Alright dudes... the Plinius proliferation is really out of hand in that pic. Where's Dan and Dave? They should really see this pic!
I am here now...I was just in the bathroom looking at those beauties... :D
Joey_V said:
Alright dudes... the Plinius proliferation is really out of hand in that pic. Where's Dan and Dave? They should really see this pic!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......yes Matilda, some things are better than sex !
Robin said:

Welcome to the ML Club. :D
I wonder if Fabio still owns his ML system? :confused:

No, he got rid of most of his audio stuff. He's deep into Motorcycles now. Over 150 bikes in his garage.

The Art Mann show on HD-Net did a profile of Fabio recently and they showed the room that used to house the ML system. Now it's full of conventional, boring furniture. No A/V rig in sight.
Fabio didn't even talk about audio at all. Which was one of the reasons to see the show.

Looking at that room on video, I can tell that it must have had atrocious acoustics, with hard marble floors, a wall of windows and large windowed french doors, stucco walls, a fireplace, openings to other rooms, a high, sloped ceiling. It is big, but just not right for a $300K setup.

Pics of great audio gear in a *proper* setting is sure hard to come by...
Joey_V said:

Actually, that room is custom.... completely sound treated and with supporting columns under the Statements. Though it might not look it, it is supposed to be a very good audio room. I think the owners just wanted it to look like a regular room, but be a good audio room underneath it all. Kind of a little incognito if you will. ;)

The link can be found here:
Zorro said:


It's worse than I thought; they hid the dipole woofer towers in cabinetry!


Just how is a dipole radiating woofer, much less a whole 5' tower supposed to work along a side wall inside a cabinet?

Damn, I hate it when visuals trump the correct deployment of a system.

This system might sound OK, but it is far, far from what the statements deserve in terms of a room.

At least he runs a room corrector front end (Z-Systems RDP-1).

What a waste of a statement system…
JonFo said:

Damn, I hate it when visuals trump the correct deployment of a system.

This system might sound OK, but it is far, far from what the statements deserve in terms of a room.

At least he runs a room corrector front end (Z-Systems RDP-1).

What a waste of a statement system…

OK, a bit harsh, maybe I'm just too much of an 'Audio comes first' kind of a guy.

I designed and built my home around my ML HT, which reflects my deep held belief that you get the room acoustics right first, then mess with everything else.

But then different people have different priorities. Guess it’s sort of like people who own a Ferrari and just drive the speed limits and never push the car.

But this one was like buying a Ferrari and painting it with pink polka dots because it matches the missus’ skirt. :mad:

Ok, there I go again, ranting. Time to lay off the coffee this morning…
Correct e2 setup

Here is a shot of a well set up Statement e2 from our own member, Barbados:

With good space between the panels and rear wall, and the dipole woofer towers correctly positioned.

Reflections from windows are damped by draperies when doing critical listening.


  • Statemente2_Barbados_sml.jpg
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Beautiful ML System...

JonFo said:
Here is a shot of a well set up Statement e2 from our own member, Barbados:

With good space between the panels and rear wall, and the dipole woofer towers correctly positioned.

Reflections from windows are damped by draperies when doing critical listening.

:D Great choice Barbados has a killer Statement e2 system... ;)
Beautiful! Bubinga, also known as African Rosewood is not a true rosewood (Dalbergia latifolia) but is a member of the genus Guibourtia (demeusei). The veneer has a lovely swirl pattern. I wonder how much extra M-L gets for that finish.
African Rosewood...

risabet said:
Beautiful! Bubinga, also known as African Rosewood is not a true rosewood (Dalbergia latifolia) but is a member of the genus Guibourtia (demeusei). The veneer has a lovely swirl pattern. I wonder how much extra M-L gets for that finish.

Thanks for the clarification about the Bubinga wood. ;) I believe ML is asking an extra $800.00 for the up-graded wood... :) It is wonderfully patterned wood grain. I love it! :D :p
Bubinga Pomele veneer retails for $325.00 a 4'x8' sheet. What a serious rip-off! Pretty, but that premiun is theft of the highest order. There is no more work involved in veneering the box with Bubinga than with oak at about $138.00 a 4'x8' sheet.