Manley Stingray and Aerius?

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I am considering this amp for my logan aerius (non biwire type)anyone here this combo?Thanks,Nick:cheers: :cheers:
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Try a test drive

Hi Nick,

If possible, talk to your dealer about "borrowing" the amp over the weekend and install in your system for a test drive. Better yet, see if you can have for a week. I always buy with an audition / money back option, assuming that option is available. By far and without a doubt, the absolute best way to go to ensure that the amp "fits" your personal listening needs.

Make sure beforehand that the unit is "broken in" so that you are sure what you hear in your house, during the audition, is what you will hear in the long term, if you decide to buy.

If your dealer is a "reputable" dealer, he / she should understand and have no problem with this arrangement. Good luck!

the stingray's 40wpc is BALLSY though. Easily comparrible to 80-100w SS power. I ran one for a while, and it drove my Von Schweikert VR4g1s fairly easily..but would not get to "concert volume" w/o strain.

by favorite tube integrated.
IMO, buy a used one. you'll save a TON of money and if you dont like it you can get exactly what you paid for it.
Sometimes size does matter...

the ballsy 40 Watts come together with 1.5 % even ballsier distortion, so you will probably settle for less watts in order to avoid that. The one on audiogon sits there for its lack of power, nuff said.
my eyes roll with w/that one.
the stingray is a fine amp. unless you like 110db volume levels.

It would kick ass w/speakers in the 90+db efficiency range. I bet the vantages would be real nice...but I digress.
Curious..have you owned a stingray ? spend some time w/it? or just reading numbers off of a web site?
I am considering this amp for my logan aerius (non biwire type)anyone here this combo?Thanks,Nick:cheers: :cheers:

Nick, I also considered this integrated amp for my aerius speakers, but my experience with powering them with a Krell 400xi (200 + watts) showed they like power. I had been using an 85 watt Yamaha receiver and the added power made a huge difference. Later, when I wanted to try tube power, I opted for the Jolida 1000RX. It has 100 glorious wpc, 150 at 1K and it is less expensive than the Manley! Try one, I think you would quickly forget about the Stingray. Steve
I have thought of trying a Stingray once I get my Druids. The design is unique and logical...and its just dead sexy...and I dont think Ms. Manley builds anything that isn't at least worth considering. :)

Nick, I also considered this integrated amp for my aerius speakers, but my experience with powering them with a Krell 400xi (200 + watts) showed they like power. I had been using an 85 watt Yamaha receiver and the added power made a huge difference. Later, when I wanted to try tube power, I opted for the Jolida 1000RX. It has 100 glorious wpc, 150 at 1K and it is less expensive than the Manley! Try one, I think you would quickly forget about the Stingray. Steve

I have seen this amps on the net and I am cuirous about it,my main thing is how well doesw a design work with logan's? I am going to email logan and ask them just how important is current? How important is watts compared to joules?Almost all amps manufacters do not list joules or power usually they might just say it's a high current design,I wonder which is better A 100watt amp or a50watt amp that has over 360 joules of current? (assuming all else is somewhat equal both being tubes and push pull for instance,thanks Nick:cheers:
I am considering this amp for my logan aerius (non biwire type)anyone here this combo?Thanks,Nick:cheers: :cheers:

You will need a small room that you can close off to get the sound levels you may be used to.

Large Room = Lots of Power

Imagine the room as the thing your are trying to fill up with sound.

About half the sound your hear in a typically listening environment is reflected sound.

The sound dies off with distance - many times so. Example; you are six feet from your speakers using lets say 10 watts. You want to sit 12 feet away quadruple the power; the room is twice as large quadruple again. 10 x 4 x 4 = 160 watts for the same sound level.

I kind made this all off from memory, so someone could double check this for me and get Nick the right information. I'm just trying to get a point across not calculate actual required power.

I have a 100 watts of tube power, but would love to have 200 watts. Not that I need it, but just knowing it was there for a short term blast would be interesting.
I have seen this amps on the net and I am cuirous about it,my main thing is how well doesw a design work with logan's? I am going to email logan and ask them just how important is current? How important is watts compared to joules?Almost all amps manufacters do not list joules or power usually they might just say it's a high current design,I wonder which is better A 100watt amp or a50watt amp that has over 360 joules of current? (assuming all else is somewhat equal both being tubes and push pull for instance,thanks Nick:cheers:

Great questions. All I know is that the Jolida does a wonderful job with the aerius speakers and plays them as loud as I care to listen. - Steve