I am considering this amp for my logan aerius (non biwire type)anyone here this combo?Thanks,Nick:cheers: :cheers:
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I am considering this amp for my logan aerius (non biwire type)anyone here this combo?Thanks,Nick:cheers: :cheers:
Nick, I also considered this integrated amp for my aerius speakers, but my experience with powering them with a Krell 400xi (200 + watts) showed they like power. I had been using an 85 watt Yamaha receiver and the added power made a huge difference. Later, when I wanted to try tube power, I opted for the Jolida 1000RX. It has 100 glorious wpc, 150 at 1K and it is less expensive than the Manley! Try one, I think you would quickly forget about the Stingray. Steve
I am considering this amp for my logan aerius (non biwire type)anyone here this combo?Thanks,Nick:cheers: :cheers:
I have seen this amps on the net and I am cuirous about it,my main thing is how well doesw a design work with logan's? I am going to email logan and ask them just how important is current? How important is watts compared to joules?Almost all amps manufacters do not list joules or power usually they might just say it's a high current design,I wonder which is better A 100watt amp or a50watt amp that has over 360 joules of current? (assuming all else is somewhat equal both being tubes and push pull for instance,thanks Nick:cheers: