Speakers that will compliment my planers need help
I am not experience with home electronics and I will like some advice. Three years ago I got what I consider a good receiver, the NAD T762, build a subwoofer and purchase a pair of Magna Planers model MG 1.6 /QR I thought this will be an investment that I will last me for a lot longer than 3 years, but as electronics change so does my appetite for newer and better things.
I would have not considered redoing my entertainment systems, but my receiver die, it began with my front display flashing and then finally dying.
I think I am going to keep the planers 1.6 ( I got them because I love music and they have done well for that) and perhaps I will get a high end amp and preamp. There is one brand that one of the local dealers suggested, but for the life of me, I just cannot remember the brand name, but what I like about this brand is what he said that all of this systems can be upgraded as technology matures and all I have to is send it back and pay the difference, I really like the idea of having component, perhaps you can share some of your knowledge with this type of systems or maybe recommendation one or two. I wish I can remember the name, I will check with him tomorrow.
As for the speakers, I am beginning to understand for 5.1 surround sound, aside from the front speakers, the center speaker and the subwoofer are the most critical, but the back speakers are not as critical! Giving this knowledge, I will keep the front speakers as I am sure you guys know that this kind of speakers are of ribbon type (not that I know what it means), I need the center speaker and back speakers match to the front speakers(I am told that is important); it should be an easy choice, right? Just simply get the center speaker from the same manufacture and be done with it, but I have a problem with this.
I first try to find them in the web (not as easy) and did some search to see what have they come up that is new and how active they are in the community. From my findings I go the impression they have not come out with the pass 3 years and was reaffirm as I talk with that at their office representatives, the person I spoke with only wanted to sale me any of the speaker that where under the 1.6’s as back speakers and the only center speaker they had. I did not feel she had good knowledge of their products, she gave did not give me any info about the quality of center speaker other that I should really buy them.
With this knowlage, I really think I should get another brand of center and side speakers. Therefore, I need help matching a center speaker as well as the back speakers and a good subwoofer with the characteristics of my front 1.6’s . As great as the JL’s sound for a subwoofer, I do not think I want to put 3.5 thousand for one of these beauties, there has to be others that are as good for less?
For the Amp and Preamp l will wait a few months, in the meantime I gather research about components (amp & preamp) if you can be so kind as to suggest a center speaker, back speakers that has similar properties so they can match well, for the center I will like to spend no more than 1 thousand, for the subwoofer think between 1 to 1.5 thousand, but I am not sure for the back speakers any suggest would be most welcome.
At the end I hope to have:
Keep the Nad until I determine the Amp and Preamp with your help
The Pioneer 5080 HD or the Panasonic TH 50PZ77u
A pair of rear speakers (not sure what will complement my Planers speakers)
A center speakers (same for the center looking to compliment the Planers)
And last a good subwoofer ( the one I build is so big, it just does not fit )
Thank you for your help