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Don't be confused....it is obvious! He is "DYING" to buy your Vistas because there is nothing better for that sort of money. Of course he is. If you could get something better for $2400-$2500, don't you think he'd be buying that something else? Tell him to get stuffed - and you won't take less than $4500 for them :)

I like your style... :)
Easy: Ascent i (must be 'i'). Ascent i is the best ever ML combo: Largish 12x48 clear-spear ESL plus low xo point sealed box 10 inch Aluminum cone woofer. So really just an SL3 with a sturdy cabinet mostly.

I'm a googlein....
Easy: Ascent i (must be 'i'). Ascent i is the best ever ML combo: Largish 12x48 clear-spear ESL plus low xo point sealed box 10 inch Aluminum cone woofer. So really just an SL3 with a sturdy cabinet mostly.

I must say,they are beautiful....
Screen Shot 2013-02-23 at 11.00.09 .jpg
Here are the 'Ascenti' in the office of the shrink who deals with my audiophilia nervosa.