That is one of the reasons I ruled out the "Universal Remote Control" brand VERY early on in my decision-making process. I called them about programming options, graphic customization, and such, and when they told me that I'd be better off having my dealer program it for me, I saw HUGE red flags. Any bit of gear that I can't program myself isn't something I want.
When I asked him if some of my more oddball components (ones I have, and ones I plan to get soon--Oppo DVD player, Sunfire pre, Krell pre, Meridian CD player) would work with his remote, he acted like I was somehow imposing on his day. I told him that if I was going to shell out as much for a remote as I did for a preamp, it had better damn sure work with my rig.
And when I asked them if the programming software they shipped with it for end-users was Mac compatible they ran a total attitude with me, like I was an idiot for even asking such a question. The tech asked me if I was an "audiophile" and when i said "yes", he remarked that he'd never had anyone even ask if it was Mac-compatible. When I remarked that if it wasn't for Apple, we might not have things like wireless networking, GUI, and about half the "indy" recording companies, he told me that maybe I should look into another brand.
I decided then and there that perhaps "URC" really stands for "Unbelievable expensive Retail Con-job"...
That's why I'm getting a Harmony. They were actually nice, polite, and helpful on the phone, and VERY proud of the fact that they are the only producer of a touch-screen programmable universal remote that even has Mac-compatible software for set-up and customization. And they very politely and quickly answered all my compatibility questions. Those reasons and the fact that the dinner-plate-size form factor of the URC actually generates negative SAF points... :duh: