It's the Black Knight Mr. Gotham not Mr. Fathom, Mr Fathom is light on his feet compared to Mr. Gotham.
I had the neighbor over to hear the new Gotham, since he was kind enough to lend his son and both their backs to get the Gotham into the basement. With packing the Gotham wieghed in at just over 500 pounds, and that ain't English money.
Anyway, I am going to have to post a health warning on the entrance to the basement. WARNING:No small children, no pacemakers, no hearing aids, no $hit my neighbor almost had a heart attack some of the things coming out of the Gohtam scared him for real.
Actually scared me a little bit, I feared the foundation might collapse and the house on top of us. I heard low level frequencies that I did not know were on Pink Floyd, thrilling and scary all at the same time.
I am on to Pocupine Tree the Incident, I hope I don't have one, ok maybe a little incident will do and then I will try Pitch Black, I will let you know Justin.