Simple math. Over 30,000 Americans killed by other Americans with guns every year. Every damn year. How many Americans killed by refugees? Down here we have idiots standing guard at Mosques carrying their assault rifles, saying they are there in case there is a problem. The only problem is the one they create. That's not protection, it's harassment. I can't remember the last time some religious Muslim left one of their places of worship and needed to be put down by these right wing clowns and their assault guns, can you? It's irrational fear and these clowns are allowed to carry guns? That's idiotic. It's the Old West again. We have old ladies shooting at people in a parking lot because she thought they were doing something wrong. Guess what she was wrong, but hey, it's ok for her to carry a gun. That's stupidity. Now we have every right wing nut carrying a gun around and by god, you better not try to do something that they think is un-American or they'll shoot first. No, I don't feel safe around these mental midgets and their guns. I don't believe a single thing the right wing says because every time they are proven wrong, it doesn't matter, they're right back at the paranoia spreading, in order to scare people, as that is their schtick.