Agree with Adam... it's really about how you manage the various taps and influx of information. It's also about your occupation. I would be SCREWED without my iPhone because my "office" absolutely needs to be wherever I am... I travel a fair amount.
I limped along before the iPhone with a blackberry, and before that with an almost useless (but still essential) Treo.
As for multi-tasking... yep... one thing at a time (well, minor issues like breathing and maintaining a heartbeat aside)... but again, it's in how the input is managed. I can easily filter distractions and concentrate on work issues when needed. Those distractions are always there waiting for me and I address them when time allows.
BTW, Gordon, tech-dinosaurs aren't good for my company's stock price... we need you swimming in connectivity
If part of your apprehension (or maybe that's not the right word)... if part of your non-inclination towards tech is because it all just seems like too much and mostly unnecassary, then I can understand that. For example, I don't do facebook. I don't see the need and it's a massive time-sink for most people. However, I would not own CLX or even be on this forum if it weren't for my job in this industry... and the one thing I love about this company is that, like Apple, we're always looking to improve the end-user's experience.
The one thing that will create the next knee (on the curve) in terms of tech adoption will be smart interfacing. The end user will no longer need to know how to set up a router, or run that new connected TV, or figure out that new smart-phone (and look for this to aggressively spread to home appliances, automobiles, heating/cooling and many other areas as well). The interface will work for you. Not the other way around. If you haven't yet demo'd an iPhone 4S with Siri... go into a local ATT or Verizon store and just ask for a demo.
As an example you just say "schedule a meeting with Todd at 4pm next tuesday"... that's it. The phone will create a calendar entry and remind you when the time comes. Or you can say "what's the square root of 144?"... boom, the answer is displayed in your hand. The examples are endless. and if the phone doesn't know the answer, it will serach the web automatically to find the answer.
This is where it's all headed. Machines working for humans... not the reverse. Until of course they become self-aware... then we'll all be reduced to bartering for food and water with ammunition.