Someone explain to me why you would vote for Hillary.. Please tell me what is so awesome about her.
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She will appoint 2-3 Liberal judges in the supreme Court and destroy our country. Pretty much rip up the Constitution... She's a train wreck
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To ask what Gordon would say. give proof of one accomplishment she did as SOT. Russia reset button total fail! She does know how to take money through her foundation. ie from saudi arabia. which has aweful womens rights. well women have no rights. and she says there is a war against women. man that one is getting old. its all she ever talks about. she has been using that for years very hypocritical. she pays women less in her campaign than men. another hypocricy. she said she is going to use bill to fix the economy who signed the worst bill of all time for America. NAFTA! destroyed jobs led to companies packing bags and moving to other countries. i mean she is the one running for potus why does she need bill thats a joke! he was impeached for humping in our house. so there is a few without even having to say why Trump would be a better choice.Ok, I'll take a stab at this. I don't necessarily think Hillary is "awesome." But I do think she's the better candidate between her and Trump. Why? First of all, she was a lawyer for many years. Which means she understands how to think analytically. Second, she's got experience in both the Senate and the State Department. Which means she knows how to work with Congress and she knows how diplomacy works. She understands the system and is in a better position to work with both parties (and with our allies) to get things accomplished. Lastly, she comes with Bill. Bill held the position for eight years and, in my opinion, did a pretty darn good job. So she has his experience at her disposal. There's no down time for "learning the ropes." She steps into the door ready to do the job.
Now can you explain why you think Trump would do a better job?
She will appoint 2-3 Liberal judges in the supreme Court and destroy our country. Pretty much rip up the Constitution.. How is Obama care working out for everyone? She held this pistons and didn't do squat. The Clinton slush fund.. sorry foundation. She takes millions from countries promoting violence against women, yet she's promoting women's rights.. She's a train wreck!
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She will appoint 2-3 Liberal judges in the supreme Court and destroy our country. Pretty much rip up the Constitution..
And the conservatives are giving her one of these appointments by refusing to consider Obama's rather moderate pick, in direct contravention of their constitutional duty. But I guess it's ok to rip up the constitution when it's your side that's doing it. By the way, in case it isn't obvious, the Court has had liberal majorities before and our country wasn't destroyed. That's just baseless fear mongering. you mean like sanctuary cities what good does that do. really please name one reason to have a sanctuary cities!! also look at cities like Detroit and Chicago , Baltimore. anyway back to the point.
I notice no one is willing to state why they would vote for Trump. I guess none of you will be voting for Trump; you'll just be voting against Hillary.
And the conservatives are giving her one of these appointments by refusing to consider Obama's rather moderate pick, in direct contravention of their constitutional duty. But I guess it's ok to rip up the constitution when it's your side that's doing it. By the way, in case it isn't obvious, the Court has had liberal majorities before and our country wasn't destroyed.
Thank you for that exposition, Wadia150. In that one post, you have done more than I could ever hope to do to explain the kind of closed-minded thinking and tortured logic it takes to actually support Donald Trump for President. Bravo.
Thank you for that exposition, Wadia150. In that one post, you have done more than I could ever hope to do to explain the kind of closed-minded thinking and tortured logic it takes to actually support Donald Trump for President. Bravo.
asked and answered in said response aboveHi wadia,
First off, I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday weekend.
I'd be most appreciative if you can address the following DT positions and if you don't want to, I understand.
1) Build a wall that Mexico will pay for to keep the illegal Mexicans out. Deport 11 million Mexicans and then somehow create a process that lets the "good ones" back in. What will the impact be on the numerous families involved? Impact on the American businesses / economy? Is he going to order "door to door" searches in the "roundup? If not, how will he do this?
2) Ban on all Muslims from entering the USA to find out "what's going on". How can you tell if one is defintively Muslim? What level of background checks will be required to ensure that the process is fair and accurate? How to address the worldwide political fallout from such a policy? Why doesn't he seem to understand that maintaining good relations with this group is extremely important to potentially discovering planned "home brew - lone wolf" terrorist attacks before they occur.
3) Endangering long time political allies such as Great Britain because they criticize / disagree with DT positions.
4) Impact on NATO if the US "pulls back" as DT has suggested. Let the other members fend for themselves.
5) Encouraging the spread of nuclear weapons to such countries as Japan and others.
6) Numerous disparaging / insulting remarks against females, some in very high positions such as Elizabeth Warren and (most recently) the governor of New Mexico.
7) Asserting recently that there is no "drought" in California.
8) Apparent unwillingness to release his back tax returns. Why won't he do this given the fact that all presidential candidates have voluntarily provided over the past two decades or so? Is there something really bad that he wants to keep secret that would negatively impact his support and electability?
9) Temperament and emotional stability if confronted with a worldwide crisis. Previous experience to support the fact that he can handle such events in a responsible, reasoned manner. His mantra has been to immediately attack anyone who disagrees with the "world according to Trump".
10) Letting the US default on their loans to pay off debt and implications thereof.
11) Why is it that the only world leader that has supported Trump to date is Vladimir Putin?
There are others but I will stop here.
I ask this trying to understand why these statements / incidents don't give pause to DT supporters. From my perspective, they scare the hell out of me. I trust many others feel the same way.
I'm confident that DT supporters have there own HC list but I would appreciate if you or other DT supporters can respond to the above.
asked and answered in said response above
first of all GORDON unlike you i was taking the day off and repsecting memorial day. did not want to get into a p------ match with you on a day a day which is to respect the fallen. obviously you just want to get your point across and use big words. im not sure i understand your obfuscation. you alway ask everybody can you fully explain your answers. like some kind of doj report when your answers are not any BETTER. i have a family and will not be making as many post as you (3401) as i do NOT HAVE THE TIME. so i will say if you dont get were im coming from with my replies well thats your problem. but my main reson for not posting yesterday again! i was spending time with family and again repecting the fallen. i do not have time to once again get into an argument with you over something ive explained in my other replys.Well sorta in a very indirect, inconclusive manner. I'd call it obfuscation, gross generalizations or, more accurately, an unwillingness to reply in a meaningful, defensible manner.
Your response, I'm afraid, is fairly typical when folks ask and challenge specifics about DT policies and other statements.
Oh well.
gordon right i said i was done with this post. You would never be happy with any answer i gave you. Its pointless!!!!!!!wadia,
ok then.
So now i'm unpatriotic for asking for some facts to back up assertions made by dt and for the number of posts i've made over the years. Excuse me but i don't get the correlation.
Ps: This internet forum, like many others, is a place to exchange ideas and viewpoints hopefully in a responsible, respectful manner. I'm sorry that you apparently don't understand that. If you can't do this, then maybe you shouldn't post.