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Dec 15, 2006
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Wesley Chapel, Fl
Reference Recordings has come out with direct digital copy from master recordings in 176.4 kHz/24bit HRx disc for download to a music server only. $45 per disc but not out of reach as $ quality media go.

I have not ventured in to the music server/computer storage for music yet so I am curious what you think of this RR format.

When one of you purchases one of these please post your thoughts. RR states it will be the best quality 2 channel recording available.

Am I correct that what ever device you use for storage then connects to your preamp as a CDP would? What type of cable connection is used?
you need an external dac capable of 24/196 decoding. a simple pc with a sound card capable of 24/196 will feed the dac. these are minimum requirements.
I heard an Ibook feeding a weiss minerva dac with 24/176 and the results where much better than redbook cd.
That sounds like a pretty cool idea, but you would need a media server capable of doing 176.4 kHz. That leaves my Squeezebox out.

However, I have a Marantz AV-8003 that is capable of decoding 176.4 kHz, and it is supposed to be able to connect to a DLNA certified network drive. Which means that I would be able to playback those files if I had the disk drive connected to my computer. The network drive would connect to the Marantz via a network cable.

The downside to the Marantz is that it does not play back FLAC or WM Lossless, (I don't think they are part of the DLNA specfication) so all the files have to be stored as .WAV's which ups the storage requirements, so I've been dragging my feet on getting a drive, because I'm not exactly sure how big I need.

The downside to the Marantz is that it does not play back FLAC or WM Lossless, (I don't think they are part of the DLNA specfication) so all the files have to be stored as .WAV's which ups the storage requirements, so I've been dragging my feet on getting a drive, because I'm not exactly sure how big I need.


HRx masters are in wav format, about 4.7gb.
I have not ventured in to the music server/computer storage for music yet so I am curious what you think of this RR format.

I heard their discs with the Berkeley Alpha DAC, as discussed in the Jan '09 TAS, with Magico M6 speakers back in the summer - simply put, the best sound reproduction I have ever heard, a true you-are-there experience that I have never heard from vinyl, although I expect some analog tapes to be right up there as well. The same recording on RR CD sounded considerably compromised lacking primarily in air and presence. RR record in 176.4/24, so what you get is what they record, and their recordings have been consistently top notch over the decades, and comprise most of my reference material.