Avalon loudspeakers - a Martin Colloms favourite... I heard them once powered by a CJ 350 - unimpressed to say the least... sorry Martin, not one of my faves. I remember walking in an out of the room at various times, thinking "why does that sound so ordinary?".
That's all for now... tis an old hat show now anyway, I guess...
Avalons are my absolute fave! Many get close, but these are one of the ONLY speakers for which I would exchange my 'Logans........but I've only heard the Eidolon Diamond. I'd like to hear the Indra and Sentinel!!
I'm also with Amey and Tim, the Avalon Sentinels we listened to last year @ Acoustic Sounds were the finest imaging and soundstage speakers I have heard to date. But at a price point I can only dream about which further strenghtens the level of performance of our M/L's !!
MITT and amey01 - that's cool - if you like them, explore them... if you really like them, buy them! Very expensive, though...
Me? I am going nuts thinking about the Analysis Omegas I heard a few years ago... we've got a good chap over here who does Apogee refurbs, courtesy of Graz, Australia. So I am hoping that they better the Omegas.
I am battling with the idea of trying to run a renovated pair of Duetta Sigs, with Graz drivers, losing my MLs Ascents to do the refurb, trying to run them via my 211s but accepting this is probably impractical, and risking the quite high cost of a viable amp alternative.
Am I mad? Yes... and all this at a time when my Tri-Vista SACD transport has gone haywire, with no obtainable transport replacement, as Philips produced only a short run of the best laser transport ever made. Why do I say this? Because it played SACD, DVD-A, DVD soundtracks, and CDs with such musicality... and was the only transport produced that didn't downgrade SACD output to 16 bit b*llsh*t. If you have an SACD player that doesn't use this transport, YOU ARE LISTENING at CD resolution... and that means all other players
Also, my Ortofon MC5000 needs a re-tip.
What a hobby...
Crisis? What crisis? And no, I am not a Supertramp fan...Then again, they did do some good tracks...
I think you are a little bit confused on your tech info.
The transport doesn't effect how the SACD signal is handled, it's all of the electronics following it. There are quite a few players out there that don't downgrade SACD resolution to 16 bit, Ayre, C-J, Luxman and Esoteric just to name a few.....
They're awesome!:rocker: I would be so bold as to say they sound BETTER than the originals. Very musical and punchy. They remind me of Amperex EL84s in that regard. Only a lot more power behind the sound........The Zeus is loaded with the Genelex KT88 copy - anyone got any direct experience of these? I would have, but I ditched my Air Tight... I'd be very interested to know, anyone?
They're awesome!:rocker: I would be so bold as to say they sound BETTER than the originals. Very musical and punchy. They remind me of Amperex EL84s in that regard. Only a lot more power behind the sound........Well worth the price!
Modwright - I know nothing - so http://www.modwright.com/home/
Ahhh, the first glimpse of Dan's prototype amp! I'm curious to see what the final version/specs will look like.
OK here's some Swiss Soulution gear... The speakers don't seem to appear on the website, so I figure they must be new. Looks to be a bit of a Sonus Faber inspiration on those, looking at the cabinet sides and shape...
Definately top drawer stuff...
These appear to be Eventus Audio speakers, and I don't believe they are top drawer stuff...