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Active member
Apr 27, 2005
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hayes va
I've done a bit of searching here and I'm hunting for any photos of Prodigy repairs...I have (what seems to be) a power issue in one of my speakers and I was hunting for some guidance photos as I take a peek inside her....I have vacuum my babies and was thinking it might be time for the ole shower treatment but realized this was a MAJOR sound issue so I unplugged my working speaker and relized that in fact then both sounded the some...so it seems I've got a big ole power issue (of lack there of) to the panel. BTW is there a fuse I should suspect in the ML's?...

Just for the record I've been throguht the paces w/all my gear and it is in fact the speaker and not anything upstream...that I am sure of.

Any help would be great!!

BTW Happy St. Paddy's Day!!

Tom "Mc"Caffrey
Please describe your issue with more detail. Simply telling us you have a "big ole power issue" really doesn't tell us anything. What do you hear? What is your setup like? How long have you had these speakers? Did you notice a difference suddenly, or was it a gradual thing? Without some in-depth information about your situation, it is hard to advise you.

Personally, I wouldn't open up the speakers to take a look inside until I had a firm grasp of what kind of problem I was dealing with. Have you called ML customer service? They are very helpful.
I am just guessing that you are already well in to enjoying St. Paddy's Day.:D
More detail

I've owned the speakers for 5 years or so and have no indication as to what happened (no noises, no known power surges, etc). The best description I can give is that the speaker in question (right) sound just like the left when it's unplugged and although the power indication light shows AC power on to the right speaker I've getting little sound from the (R) panel 30% of the normal output??....and so it seems to me the panel is not getting power as needed.

I called Jim @ ML and I am awaiting a call back, called my local repair guy, took both panels off to take a quick peek and see nothing obvious (something disconnected or heat damaged, etc)

My set-up is various older high end gear...all in good repair and functioning..
I bet it's the power supply board.

If so, shouldn't be too terribly difficult to replace.

Good luck.


Did you fix your problem?
I have something similar going on.
My left prodigy has lower output then the right one. Its about 3-4dB difference.
Please let me hear about your findings.
Problem fixed!

The short and long of it all....

Wash your panels!

It took me about two hours total to detach, wash (dry for 2 days) reattach...and presto-chango

singing like a song bird!!

Don't walk to the shower...RUN!!