Hello from Derbyshire, UK

MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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Jan 14, 2021
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Hello! Newbie here from Derbyshire UK. I’ve recently upgraded from Dali Opticons to ML Classic ESL 9s for 2 channel listening as well as doubling up as the main fronts for my 9.1.4 home cinema. I have also just upgraded my cinema centre channel to an ESL C and about to upgrade my main L&R surrounds with a pair of EM ESLs. I‘m currently powering the ESL9s with Conrad Johnson gear, a Premier 11 power amp and an ET2 pre amp. Keen to get some advice from you guys on several aspects of my system over the coming months.

I‘ve been a member and contributor on avforums for a number of years, but find there are not a huge number of ML owners on there to ask for advice from, hence my presence here.
Welcome aboard! If you are looking for ML advice, this is the place (even if I can't offer any advice on the ESL 9's)..
Hello and welcome, that makes 2 of us in Derbyshire although for how long depends if I get chance to listen to ATC actives. But it will need something special to get rid of my Ethos. Could always donate them to a family member and pinch em back.
Hola and welcome!

I am also a Conrad Johnson user. I just love the quality sound that CJ brings to my beloved CLXs.
Happy listening!