Hd Dvds
A tip that I have posted many times before is about a "cheat" to purchase your HD movies on the cheap! I will repeat myself for the newer members and for those who may not have seen it as of yet....
We all probably know that Best Buy has some of the largest selections in stock of our HD movies (blu and HDDVD) although their prices aren't all that spectacular. The trick to this is price matching to Target.
The best part of this trick is that price matching to target is really price matching to amazon.com since Target online is based primarily through amazon, at least for their media sections.
The truly greatest part of this is that the prices found on amazon tend to be the cheapest of anybody, the other great thing is when amazon runs a crazy special on HD movies, you are still able to get those prices, for example....
a month or so ago amazon ran a special where a large handful of movies for blu and hddvd were all going for ~15$!!!!! Normally most discs are priced around 20$ while newer and more sought after discs may be raised to ~25$ while still much cheaper than the 30+ at best buy.
Now with all that aside....
My highly recommended discs are as follows;
for you lucky hd dvd backers:rocker: , HVE just released their setup disc in hD
Blood Diamond
Last Samurai
Chronicles of Riddick
Batman Begins
Collateral (only because this is a strict digital to digital transfer, the movie was shot on sony's new cinealta HD cameras... roughly 100,something thousand dollar cameras

..... I believe they used the F90 model...not sure tho)
That's just a few selections to check out....
Hope this helps!