Guilty Pleasure TV shows

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Jan 4, 2005
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Denver, Colorado
I don't watch a whole lot of network TV. I prefer to select what I want to watch when I want to watch it either off my DVR or On Demand. There are a few shows that have always been guilty pleasures for me - "The Walking Dead" probobly being my favorite. A few others that come to mind are "Spartacus", "Dexter", "Sons of Anarchy" and "Strike Back".

A new favorite that just ended it's first season on Cinemax Friday night is "Banshee" It's a very unlikely story, but within the first 15 minutes of Episode 1 there is a scene in a small dive bar in the town of Banshee that pretty much sets the tone for the rest of the season in terms of plot twists and a level of violence that is on par with anything on the big or small screen. It takes 3-4 episodes to really come into it's own, but it's become one of my favorite shows. The development of the characters is fantastic, and there is an assortment of bad guys that are among the best around. The character of a sadistic albino in a flashback episode that takes place in a prison is absolutely disturbing. If you haven't seen it, and if you're comfortable with plenty of gratuitous sex and violence (it's NOT for the squeamish), I recommend it highly. Give it 3-4 episodes before you form a final opinion.

What are some of your guilty pleasures on TV?
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"The Walking Dead" probobly being my favorite. A few others that come to mind are "Spartacus", "Dexter", "Sons of Anarchy" and "Strike Back".

That's a lot for "not a whole lot"!

I don't watch any on a regular basis. I don't get enough listening time, so I can assure you no potential listening time is wasted with a flickering screen! My wife watches a few things though - news/info type shows don't bother me too much, but when there is a "comedy" type show on it aggravates me nigh to breaking point!

I have enjoyed a few documentary type shows though. There were one or two episodes of air crash investigation I enjoyed.
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Over the last decade, or so, I haven't watched any TV shows with much regularity other than the Sopranos (and even then I had to rent to DVDs).

I do like the Americans. I've also heard great things about many of the shows you listed such as: Breaking Bad, Dexter, Walking Dead, etc.

I also like some of the old Law and Order re-runs.
If you have HBO, Game of Thrones and Boardwalk Empire are great. Excellent writing, cast, production, etc. Highly recommend both of them.
Wow! You guys are so discerning. Bill Maher, John Stewert especially, and Colbert as well.

Certainly Boardwalk Empire, and MASH, among those already mentioned.

As the premier sitcom, it's Frasier hands-down. Terrific cast and great writers.
True Blood

True Blood is one of my favorites too. It's interesting that Alan Ball left True Blood so that he could do "Banshee". He was also responsible for "Six Feet Under", "American Horror Story" and the film "American Beauty".
Sopranos was my very first Guilty Pleasure and I never missed an episode. Loved that show. Then came Entourage which I had the same issue; couldn't miss an episode.

Currently I'm hooked on The Following but not truly obsessed where I have to stay up and watch yet so it gets DVRed for later. Now my other show that I have a Guilty Pleasure for is Son of Anarchy. This is another Sopranos for me. Never miss an episode and if I do I turn off the world until I see the episode. Don't want a spoiler. Got screwed last year by Facebook with Opie's death. I'm still ****ed at that chick for posting that. LOL

Other shows I enjoy:

Top Gear (Both Versions)
Fast and Loud
Inside Combat Rescue
Duck Dynasty
The Devils Ride
Those aren't guilty pleasures. Those are required watching if you want any semblance of real news and honest analysis of current events. And I would add Bill Maher to the list.

There are those, my friend, that would call them "elitist". But that's another story.
Can I derail this thread with a rant? Does it seem like TV executives have completely lost it for the most part? Or is it just that society has degenerated so far? When was the last time you saw a music video on MTV? When was the last time you had access to 24 hour weather reports on The Weather Channel? Turn to Headline News. Do you get the latest headlines? Nope, it's Nancy Grace and the latest soap opera murder case. The former "News" channels have become entertainment channels. They seek your tweets and then report them as news. They have idiots analyzing and arguing over the tiniest details of every news story. And every single channel on the dial has a "reality" show these days.

I so want to just cancel my cable bill because I am fed up with subsidizing all this CRAP! And yet, I am addicted to my sports, enjoy the HBO programs mentioned above, and, for my five year old daughter, the Disney Channel, PBS, and the Hub are a godsend.
Rich, I couldn't agree more, which is why I need those guilty pleasures. I don't count on the networks for real news. I also have had it with "reality" shows. I've got all the reality I need every day, thus my need for a little escapism on occasion.
Rich, as Tim said and I concur......yuk. the Weather Channel has become a joke, when they do try to forecast weather it's 'talking heads with a clevage'. Now don't get me wrong I do love a nice clevage but....of well.

I think that part of this change to 'try and entertain' is because for the most part when someone wants instant news, weather and sports for that matter your computer, I-Pad and or smart phone are close at hand.