Gryphon PowerZone 3.10

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Jul 10, 2020
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I recently upgraded to the Gryphon PowerZone 3.10 replacing my PS Audio P20. The P20 was a revelation for my system the PowerZone is so much more! The magic in the PowerZone creates a deeper wider soundstage. The imaging and separation is like nothing I’ve ever heard before! If you get a chance to give one a listen treat yourself. It’s not cheap but after you hear one you might think it’s a bargain!

Gryphon PowerZone
That is very expensive so it must be incredible. I went with an isolation transformer on its own panel for the speakers, dacs and preamp, but this seems to be potentially even better!
Expense yes incredible may be an understatement. It’s like everything plugged into it received a massive upgrade. With the CLX speakers live performance's are in the room. It’s amazing
Nice one Paul mate.

I've heard good things about this particular power module, and those who've previously owned the units from PS Audio. The P20 is quite good, demoed in a few installations during my last travels in Aug. Didn't get a chance to audition the Gryphon though, will do so next Feb.

Having said that, at our previous apartment/ Unit, the AC power was only on one phase coming into the building and shared by 4 other Units. Hence, not ideal for highend audio at all, especially a system comprising of CLX's! I could hear every detail of unwanted noise including switching whenever the bloody kettle was used or fridge kicked in to cool. Tried various power conditioning gadgets, from Tauras to Shunyata, PS Audio... nothing worked. Only when my trusted sparky (electrician) came over, he highly advised a dedicated AC line for the system, shared by nothing else, wired directly to the mains board on a separate CB of 10A nothing more. After all, this is domestic Hifi, not rock concert config.

And so, after 15yrs we finally built our own home and I installed dedicated AC lines just for the Audio system, outstanding!!!
Nothing to fault and such power units aren't required any more. Tried quite a combination just to see if there were any differences but to no avail. In fact (nane of brand withheld) hindered the natural dynamics and superb transients the CLX's are capable of reproducing at high performance levels.

So now, I don't use anything, other than of course the Nordost power accessories. Now that's a whole other topic and takes the CLX's towards a different dimension! A Supreme reference level.

As long as the Gryphon power unit contributed to a significant improvement, that's a definite step up. Enjoy those finest tunes!
Woof! RJ
The Gryphon Powerzone continues to impress. The amount of improvement it has brought to my system is nothing short of amazing! Better separation, better clarity, deeper and wider soundstage! Remove it and it sounds like the air was removed from the system.
Very glad to learn the Gryphon power zone is doing its thing.

Adding such gadgets is always a gamble, especially with pricing, as we tend to associate high prices to higher quality... Sometimes doesn't work out, although subconsciously we're thinking it must sound better due to its higher price!

The great thing is when it actually does! I've done home trials with many kinds of accessories and have mostly found subtle differences. Only when those differences are quite significant and meet my personal benchmark of 40% in improvement, I'll go ahead with the item. Otherwise, as my good adviser / Wiseman says, look out! It's voodoo not science!

If what you're experiencing is quite a significant improvement then this unit is doing what it's worth. Difficult to justify the price but all that becomes secondary as long as the margin of improvement is clear enough to justify. That's a good decision, and on CLX's the level of transparency will be at 110%!

Cheers, and enjoy those finest tunes!
That deserves a mighty WOOF!