Greetings from Batavia Ohio

MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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New member
Apr 13, 2018
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Cincinnati Ohio
Hello! I've gone back to Martin Logan speakers after experimenting with numerous speaker, amp, preamp, dac combos. My most recent setup was a Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP Amp with a Mytek Brooklyn DAC. I was trying to drive some Thiel CS3.6 speakers and needed to either get different speakers or a different amp. I ended up doing all of the above. So now I have Martin Logan ESL-X speakers and no amp, no preamp, and no DAC. So, obviously, I'm in the market. Lots of good member systems here. So, with that said, I'm listening for some suggestions for new components with a budget of $6,000.

I'm open to integrated or separates.
Its hard to beat the Parasound integrated it can do it all for you. Price is great - actually save some money and the performance is way above the price paid. Have money left for a Aurender N100H. Should be able to do all that close to your 6K but with stock power and interconnects. Once that settles in replace the N100H with a Aurender A10.
Welcome dnanstad! Nice to see someone Else from Ohio. We’re up around Cleveland.

I couldn’t agree more with GW1800, I had a Parasound Halo Integrated (HINT) powering my ESLs and they played beautifully together. And for $2,500 you get pre, amp, and DAC in one package! Hard to beat.