The CLS's, after 30 yrs, are still an amazement...when i go to audio stores to listen to their reference speakers I often say, "they sound ok"...
...only other ML's I might consider to replace them are the CLX's.
Congrats Roberto...I cant wait to hear some CLX's in person!
Hola... now is about one week that I have them whit me. And they are so different that I am listening things that I never heard them so clearly. As an example, some musicians sing when they are playing, (Keith Jarret sangs out of tune). His voice or the noise that he makes, is coming form his soul.. definitely. There is more music and tons of midrange quality. The breathing is more palpable on vocals. On guitar, I do understand better the fingering...even tricks as an example, how to tremble a harmonic in a Spanish guitar, (this sound usually is a high pitch note where you do not press the string against the fret) so you can't move the string to produce the trembling. It is a complete different beast with the good things of his older brother (CLSs). The bass is robust and the male singer is there in front of you, ( Rene Pape-bass singer singing Mozart at The Salzburg Festival 2006). I am listening and doing little changes of postion here and there, and they are evident, but not so drastic as the CLSs. They have wider disperson on highs too. The timbre of the cymbals, my reference for this test is Qulity of Silence of Steve Daves, track no. 2 its natual...its precise, its full of harmonic texture, wow they truly sing!!! happy listening,