ML Ascent i (becaue I own them and spent time and effort to get them to sound right in my room)
They are extremely good, especially when paired with a Descent.
The resolution most ESL range MLs are capable of is truly astounding, even with the older models, and time & effort spent sussing out appropriate driving electronics really pays off.
On bass light material, they can sound thin, though. Some unbacked electric guitar based material does not sound right to me, lacking body. This is true of other material, too - but is it really the speakers - or just naff recordings and pertnering equipment? I think it is an ML trait - at least with the hybrids. I've heard it in the Summit, my old Aerius, the Spire, but not the CLX.
I say this as a guitar player, with a guitar amp in the same room, which I play regularly.
Rich is gonna kill me...

Still working on those Apogees... seller has had some Divas restored with Graz's drivers, but wants me to pick up the Duettas, which was not part of the initial bargain. I've given way to picking them up... which he seems happy with. It's some drive away with a little effort required. Watch this space...
No speaker is perfect, and come to that, no musical instrument is. But there are great examples of both.
I've got a new theory about why ML hybrids can sound thin. Here goes: all the bass repro comes from a low height. All the higher freq stuff comes from a physically higher placed panel.
This is not the case with the CLX - the bass eminates from the same height as any other frequency. This results in a much better balanced sound - for obvious reasons. The Statement E2 design is interesting here, since it mated a column of dynamic drivers of the same height as the ESL panel - giving the guts of the dynamic drivers with the finesse/speed/detail of the panel.
This is only conjecture - I can imagine, and have stated previously other reasons why ML hybrids can sound thin. Maybe I am wrong on all counts. Maybe some of my guesses are right. Maybe all of them play a contributory factor. I dunno.
Any which way, they are still massively less compromised than many other speakers. And a damn fine statement of what is possible from the technology.:rocker:
And Rich - I have no credibility, and nor am I looking for any. I'm just interested, perplexed, puzzled, and curious. Nothing like thinking out loud to see what others think... it's a forum, and that's what they are for.