FYI Electromotions consecutive serial numbers

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2005
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San Jose, Costa Rica
Hola. Just got some Electromotions, and the serial numbers are not consecutives, asked why to ML sales department, and their response was, you are right!, they are not consecutves. The other models, starting from Theos, are. So this is not a mistake. Now, I had the pleasure to listen these babies some time by now, and I can recommend them to you. They truly have the ML magic. Very good at bass and well balanced sound!. This is a truly hi-end product. They are a bargain at $ 2000 retail price. Also, they are very easy to drive. I am happy to say they are a jewel. Nice crafted and nice looking. Happy listening,
Just curious, Roberto. Where are the electromotions manufactured? In Canada? Or in China?
I will take some burden off of Roberto, who seems to live on this site. Canada is the final construction point. Panel is made there, box is outsourced to a long time vendor in China, two products get assembled, QCed in Canada. We will not release the actual panel construction details to an outside vendore. Too much hard fought details that we have learned over the years. Panels are so simple on paper, a pain in the ass to make in reality.
I did a tour with 3 mag writers recently at the factory so look for stories, pictures on the process. The purpose was to demonstrate that the ML factory has its own sections, staffing, using the same machines that we used in KS. It was funny in a way, because it looked like we just skid wrapped the assembly tables with all the little color coded parts boxs, padding, etc and lifted them whole up to there. The basic message is that we are one of 3 companies under one (big) roof. Anthem is on one side, Paradigm on the other. the fun part is the middle, sort of like a stat.
Thanks for responding, Peter. I would have been surprised if you had outsourced the panel. Glad to hear that is still made in-house. Having seen the process firsthand myself, I understand what you mean about it being a pain in the arse. As the workers told us at the time, assembling a panel is less of a science and more of an art. I am curious, did you bring the huge monstrosity that coats the stator panels from Kansas, or did they already have something like that at the Canada plant. I can't imagine moving that thing.
The oven made it up there. Needless to say it is a different part of the factory, separate from finish and assemly areas. The factory is about 260,000 square ft, with several sections so the oven is over on the side where wood is cut and other messy jobs.
As to the articles, i don't really know but given the tour was in April, normal publishing times would have them out very soon, although it is not time sensitive like new equipment reviews so it is up to the wimsy of other articles. Good time dining and drinking with them. NO, I won't reveal names, to keep the pressure off of them.