Open spaces are very difficult...
C.A.P said:
seems I have about the exact set up as you do from the room stand point , mine is 12x16 with a 3/4 wall along one of the long walls that opens up to a kitchen , this opening will play havoc to your ears as it is not as reflective as a solid wall, I have moved my speakers 10000000000000.............times and seems to me that the best width and depth is a old addage I read along time ago, the rule of 3rds to start out with , then adjust slightly to your ears ......along my 12 ft wall mine are are 43in to center panel from the wall 60 in center to center panel and 43 to the wall from the center of the panel ... the depth from the wall is subjective in your listing and will have a greater effect on bass, mine are 42in and 44in on the outside with the chair at about 11 ft ear level ........let me know how your acustic foam turns out I might try some my self
C.A.P. and beanbag,
I totally understand, and can relate with what, "open spaces", in a listening area (HT) can do... Open spaces can reek havoc... They are like huge holes in your system...
About three years ago, I had my system in our family room (next to the kitchen), the listing area was a space, which was about the dimentions your've stated above. I was dealing with three opening into our family room (HT), with a fireplace, in the room too. The family room (HT)was just impossible to image, the room's acustics were just too challenging, the sound was as you have discribed above... huge holes in the imaging
Finially, I gave up, we moved the HT (everything) into, one of our, four small bedrooms. The improvement was immediate and impressive. ML electrostatic speakers bipolar construction, seems to require the use of, all of the wall surfaces (floors and cieling too) in the HT room, for sonic imaging. I found, it to be especially true for the subwoofer, as the lower, slower bass waves need the walls, floor and cieling to make a greater impact, as you know. However, I did have to comprise in losing square footage, of my HT room, but I think, it was well worth it, as the sound is contained and I can control the sonic imaging precisely. Additionally, I did have to give up any thought of having my, Ascent i's, 3-4 feet, away from the wall though. I think of the "HT Room", is like another huge (expensive) very important piece of audio equipment. So vital and important now, that I just could not imagine my system without my, "Deticated HT Room". IMHO, if it is possible, I would recommend a deticated HT room, as a possible solution, if not now, then someday.
I'm very happy with my 'deticated HT room', even as small as it is, it has fantastic acusitics and sonic imaging.