Now that answers quite a few questions. Thanks a bunch. Much appreciation for this thread post. This helps understand the tensioning direction/concerns. My wife says I over analyze things, but I am an EE and Etech so that is the nature of the beast.
This begs a few more comments/questions: ML seems to stretch the mylar in the vertical direction on the rear frame/panel, and smooth it in the horizontal direction. This implies that there is only lite tension across the width of the panel. While prepping my panel for further cleaning I noticed the front and rear stator panels separated slightly on the sides as mentioned elsewhere here, but the mylar and foam tape did not seem to shift/move. This makes me a bit more comfortable about reassembly. since the top and bottom are still solid I will not attempt to separate the panel sandwich for fear of loosening the stretch which is apparently held by the double sided sticky 'foam' tape, and top and bottom panel compression. I will reattach the side rails for sandwich compression before I attempt any further cleaning beyond lite vacuuming.