Evaluating CLS Condition

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Jul 19, 2019
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vancouver bc Canada
I have a pair of original CLS in my second system. They have apparently been little used and seem to be in good condition, but I am just going on good sound and an absence of rattles and buzzes.

If anyone can advise me on what the symptoms of the panels being in good shape or deteriorating, I'd appreciate it My thought was to use a signal source to run a spectrum through each speaker separately and use an analyzer to see if the outputs match as a first step to evaluating panel health.

I'm certainly prepared to replace the panels if need be as I love the speakers (and, sorry to those who may disagree, but have never been that fond of any of the ML speakers with hybrid construction, using dynamic drivers for bass, though I haven't auditioned all by any means).
If the room they've been kept in is dark (no sunlight) then they might well still be in good condition. UV is one of the main culprits in panel breakdowns.

To objectively tell what performance the panels are delivering, I highly recommend getting a measurement system. Start with a calibrated Mic like this: https://www.parts-express.com/minid...sb-measurement-calibrated-microphone--230-332 and install a copy of REW on your laptop, study some Video's on measurement process and result interpretation and you can now tell exactly what condition the panels are really in.

The biggest thing to look for is whether the left and right speakers are in balance across the spectrum (realizing the room location can make that lopsided, so best to succesivley put them in the exact same location for measurements).

Spoiler: The frequency response will not look that great, showing high-frequency roll-off, and all the effects of dipole comb-filtering. Just apply some smoothing and compare the results between the two units.