Ethan Winer may be on the verge of proving expensive interconnects don't matter.

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You say this like it is some mystery that somehow invalidates the test. But isn't this exactly what you would expect? I mean, do you really expect small frequency differences between cables to completely nullify the overwhelming larger frequency trends caused by the room effects?

No, but I'd certainly expect any flaw (eg, the dip at 1.9k to which I was referring) in the frequency response of a cable would almost certainly not be at exactly the same point as the dip in FR produced by something else. Surely?

This looks to be an exaggeration of an aberration already there.

Now, of course - that could be entirely cable related too - maybe because the cable's synergy with the existing components exacerbated something?

I did say that I didn't know enough about it........I just find it interesting.
Some folks swear by the power regenerators by ps audio and other companies.

That would include me. I have had power filtration / surge suppression components in my system before that I never felt made a difference in the sound. But I feel the PS Audio P10 makes a significant positive contribution to the sound, especially in clarity and dynamics. Plus, it provides excellent protection. At least once it has prevented me from blowing out multiple speakers. I think I've told that story in a previous thread on the forum. Overall, I have been extremely impressed with every PS Audio product I have purchased. Currently considering upgrading my PerfectWave Transport to their new DirectStream Memory Player.
And here is the same cable to show sample variation. Better correlation, as you would expect but still a variance that is hard to ignore. Why? Sampling theory experts? Anyone?

Sorry. So these outperform the Pangea I assume. Do you have a power regenerator as well or are you plugging into the wall? Some folks swear by the power regenerators by ps audio and other companies.


I have the Pangea on my XM tuner. The Shunyata PC is for my amp.

I use the Shunyata PS 8 for all my components except for the amp which I plug into my dedicated 20 amp circuit. The PS 8 also plugs into the dedicated circuit.

Never tried a power regenerator. My sense is that my power supply is pretty good. Have heard good things about the product.


PS: The Pangea PC I have is 14ga. and only meant to be used for source components.
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Thanks mark. I'm actually interested in people's opinions that have actually tried and listened. :)

What a concept!

Sounds like a reasonable approach to me but what do I know. Only been involved with this hobby for some 40 years.
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It is totally perplexing, I agree.

Check this out... higher up the FR. Things don't align anywhere near as well.


A little better, I agree.

Things still align somewhat - eg 15.9-16k, however there also appears to be a little phase shift going on here.
I'm not sure it is "better" because they don't align as well.

It is very hard to say anything about what is happening and be certain about it.

That's exactly what I meant by better - better meaning "as expected".

Granted, a better way to measure would be into an oscilloscope - taking out all the speaker-room interface complications/variations/ambiguities.
Well you can certainly measure differences in USB cable bit delivery that way e.g. rise times etc. Hi-Fi News did it years ago.
Well you can certainly measure differences in USB cable bit delivery that way e.g. rise times etc. Hi-Fi News did it years ago.

It's just that it in no way makes any difference to the conversion process. If a digital system has trouble distinguishing a 3.4v "1" and a 3.2v "1" (or even a 0.5v "1") from a -3.4v "0", then it is fatally flawed I'm afraid.

With all the dear money we spend on DACs, I'd expect their digital subsystems to be at least as accurate as a $1.95 USB key :)

Are you baiting Justin??
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Amazing how insulting the measurements gurus are over there (including the president of the forum). Made me develop even more respect and reverence for our esteemed leader, TomDac, ever the gentleman.

They are dann funny though
Got an ounce of entertainment out of this thread ...........

thought of you on this one Gordon ............


As you know, it's the same old argument made by both sides.

I will repeat that I go through a rigorous process to test a new cable that takes several weeks to conduct. Different genres to see if I can isolate the commonality of the differences I hear with different types of music and listening long enough so that I am confident that the differences are real. And of course swapping the cords in and out to again verify what I am hearing. The last "swap out" was very easy to discern the differences I had been hearing over the recent past.

If you (not you Dave) think that "aural memory" is flawed and that my methodology is fatally flawed, that's fine with me. I really don't care.

It has served me well in the past as it does now.

While it is an interesting exercise, incorporating a speaker into any set of measurements is folly for it introduces too many uncontrolled variables which can skew the results and render the test inaccurate and invalid. A much better way to measure, say interconnects, is via signal analysis instrumentation equipment ..... and done up until the time the signal is inputted to the speaker. Analysis of the distortion spectra can then be easily referenced to known hearing thresholds and conclusions drawn thereafter.