Dual Descent i Subs & Equalization

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Jan 7, 2010
Reaction score
Houston, TX
First post by a new ML community member.

I'm upgrading my 10 yr old system in a multi-purpose room. We use it for 2 channel and HT. I went with 2 Descent i subs, delivered last week. Unfortunately, one was destroyed in shipping. I've ordered another from a different local vendor, but they can't deliver it until Jan 15th.

I'm wondering what folks with similar setups do for equalization. I am using a Denon AVP-A1HDCI, which can accommodate 3 subs w/balanced connections. I know the AVP has Audyssey, but I've only had it hooked up a short while and don't really know how to use it as yet.

I see recommendations in various forums for the Velodyne SMS-1, and wondered about experiences with that and the Descent i. I'll have the audio professionally calibrated, but that appointment is not until April and I may want to play with it myself between now and then.

Thoughts and suggestions appreciated!

I'm not sure if the Audessey in your Denon independently equalizes each sub, but if you are thinking about an external sub equalizer you may want to look at the SVS AS-EQ1 which was developed with Audessey sepcifically for blending one or two (even more if you pair the subs) subwoofers into stereo or hometheater systems. Got a pretty good review in Stereophile.


Happy listening,

There are many options out there for Bass EQ. To name a few...

Audyssey in your Denon
Velodyne SMS-1
DSpeaker Anti-Mode 8033
Behringer Products

While these products help out, you should also play with:

Positioning of sub, Mains, and listening positions
Room Treatments - Bass and Reflection Points

Once these two are done, then the Bass EQing will be even better for you.
What are your main speakers?

Well, they are not here yet. I went with Salk Signature Sound (http://www.salksound.com/) HT3s for L+R and and an HTC. (Even as I add treatments, the room is still a bit too bright for electrostatic speakers, even though I really like that sound in the proper environment.) These will be driven by a McIntosh MC303.

My budget dried up along with the economy, so the rears are Klipsch KS-525-THX driven by an Anthem MCA20. (I would have preferred Aerial Acoustics surrounds.) Essentially, it will be a 5.2 system. I don't care for multi-channel music; I'm more of a 2-channel person. Given that, the surrounds should work fine for movies.

Thanks for the equalization suggestions; I'll be doing some research. I agree that the first thing is to just get everything here and work with placement first. I'm just wanting to research the options up front while I'm waiting.

Well, they are not here yet. I went with Salk Signature Sound (http://www.salksound.com/) HT3s for L+R and and an HTC.

I'm curious about the Salks and have wanted to hear a pair for for quite some time. What's funny is that only just recently did I find out that Salk's business address can't be more than 5 miles or so from my house.

Vann's (www.vanns.com) has been advertising the SMS-1 for $380, which seems like a pretty good deal. I've seen used units list for $350 or so on Audiogon. I'd like to pick one up, but I'm currently sub-less.
you mean these:

Seeing as they go nice and low, I would stick with your Denons eq.
Given the proper room conditions they should be set by the auto-eq around 40-60Hz, which (I have found) negates any need for stereo subs. This way you can run them from the mono sub feed, and calibrate them to the room with the auto-eq.

I am running a pair of Summit X's with a single Descent i and using a Denon 4308 as a pre. There was more than enough bands of eq between the sub and the Denon to take care of most of the room issues. And if memory serves, your Denon pro has more filters and bands for the sub eq than the regular Audyssy in my 4308.
First post by a new ML community member.

I'm upgrading my 10 yr old system in a multi-purpose room. We use it for 2 channel and HT. I went with 2 Descent i subs, delivered last week. Unfortunately, one was destroyed in shipping. I've ordered another from a different local vendor, but they can't deliver it until Jan 15th.

I'm wondering what folks with similar setups do for equalization. I am using a Denon AVP-A1HDCI, which can accommodate 3 subs w/balanced connections. I know the AVP has Audyssey, but I've only had it hooked up a short while and don't really know how to use it as yet.

I see recommendations in various forums for the Velodyne SMS-1, and wondered about experiences with that and the Descent i. I'll have the audio professionally calibrated, but that appointment is not until April and I may want to play with it myself between now and then.

Thoughts and suggestions appreciated!


Hi Chris, welcome aboard :welcome:

I also have the AVP-A1HD, a wonderful piece of gear. I came from a fanatical Meridian background (and still love them) but this Denon is is still the 'king of the hill' in my book for all-encompassing pre-amp/processors.

Make sure you check out my system, as well as the great advice we have posted on the AVP owners Wiki and the AVS Forum dedicated thread for the AVP.

The AVP will indeed not only handle three separate subs, but can also apply individual room correction calibrations to each.

I heartily recommend a Pro level calibration, but that should not stop you from trying it out. Make sure you read all the guidelines I list in this thread about Room correction for ESLs.

While I only have one sub in my system, I find the results of my own Audyssey Pro calibrations (I own the kit) to be measurably and subjectively much superior to no correction.

No need for any other downstream correctors IMHO.

But if absolutely set on one, I'd recommend the Audyssey Sub-EQ. But the AVP pretty much has you covered, and one of the reasons it is such an amazing value.

BTW- make sure you calibrator is Audyssey Pro certified.

Cheers, and enjoy the new gear!
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There are many options out there for Bass EQ. To name a few...

Audyssey in your Denon
Velodyne SMS-1
DSpeaker Anti-Mode 8033
Behringer Products

While these products help out, you should also play with:

Positioning of sub, Mains, and listening positions
Room Treatments - Bass and Reflection Points

Once these two are done, then the Bass EQing will be even better for you.

Totally agree, positioning and room treatments come first, then the EQ.

And of that list (I've used most), the only one's worth considering in your situation are the built-in Audyssey Pro or that Plus the Audyssey (or SVS) sub EQ, as they are the only ones that integrate with the existing Audyssey in the preamp.
Hi Chris, welcome aboard :welcome:

I also have the AVP-A1HD, a wonderful piece of gear. I came from a fanatical Meridian background (and still love them) but this Denon is is still the 'king of the hill' in my book for all-encompassing pre-amp/processors.

Make sure you check out my system, as well as the great advice we have posted on the AVP owners Wiki and the AVS Forum dedicated thread for the AVP.

The AVP will indeed not handle three separate subs, but can also apply individual room correction calibrations to each.

I heartily recommend a Pro level calibration, but that should not stop you from trying it out. Make sure you read all the guidelines I list in this thread about Room correction for ESLs.

While I only have one sub in my system, I find the results of my own Audyssey Pro calibrations (I own the kit) to be measurably and subjectively much superior to no correction.

No need for any other downstream correctors IMHO.

But if absolutely set on one, I'd recommend the Audyssey Sub-EQ. But the AVP pretty much has you covered, and one of the reasons is such an amazing value.

BTW- make sure you calibrator is Audyssey Pro certified.

Cheers, and enjoy the new gear!

Ahhh, scratch the surface and reveal the world beyond!

Thanks for the posts and the links. Your system looks amazing!

I enjoy research and will definitely have my hands full. The wife, however, likes me around (interacting...can you believe the demands women make!) and would like everything sewed up relatively quickly. I just need to figure out how to say "that's not gonna happen" in a nice way. (I'm just having gender stereotype fun for the heck of it...even though some of it borders on truth!)

The Denon AVP is an amazing piece of equipment, and I wouldn't be surprised if it took me 6 months to fully utilize it.

With just the one Descent i working (and I have done essentially nothing), I find that it so outperforms the old Velodyne I had. (Plus it goes to 11 so it's like one louder! I'm keeping that to myself unless a visitor asks... ;) )

This appears to be an informative and friendly forum. I look forward to participating.

Welcome to our forum here!:)

Another AVP-A1HDCI owner here! I totally agree with Jonathan, the Denon AVP is without a doubt the king of the hill of pre-amp/processors. It's definitely in a league of its own.

And sorry to hear that one of your Decent i subs arrived damaged, but soon you'll have your other one and you will then be able to fully enjoy your setup. I have the original Descent and I love them, so I can only imagine how much better the new i versions are. Congrats on the new stuff!:)
