I was referring to the statement by Brad and others like Senator Graham and, of course, our dear president. No offense intended Brad.
And I'm not implying that the Judge should be guilty until proven innocent. The process (classic Washington sausage making) has been completed and it is time to move on.
People wanted closure to this issue and my take is that no one, absent the principal players, MAY know the truth of what actually occurred.
Regarding Diane Feinstein, my take is that she honored Dr. Ford's request and it was Dr. Ford who decided to talk to the press after she was confronted by numerous reporters (one posed as a student attending one of her classes) regarding the allegations.
No offense taken Gordon.
Dr Ford created the publicity problem by telling the press and the Democrats. I personally thing they threw her under the bus to try to stop the process.
I may be wrong but I never heard that anyone but the committee would go to California to hear her testimony. Her attorneys never told her they would come to her according to her testimony.
Her husband statement was that the second front door was installed long before she stated in her testimony so she does have some issues with her recall assuming he is telling the truth.
At one point she was testifying about being in therapy with her husband and that was when the statement to her therapist about the assault came up. She then went on to day that they were in therapy over remodeling they were doing to their house. My wife and I have done a lot of work on houses we were living in i will be the first to say it can be stressful at times.
To go to therapy for home renovations and talk about an attempt to rape you years before seems a bit strange to me.
Gordon, I'm sorry that you feel ashamed of those of us that didn't find that Brett committed the act that she remembers. We have obviously have missed something with our decision.
Could you please tell us what evidence there is that Brett committed the act that Dr Ford accused him of that makes you think he should not be on the Supreme Court. Had they comeback with some corroboration that he may have been in the room that night I think all of us would have a different feeling about this.
Do you think that if Sen. Feinstein had gone to Sen. Grassey early on and presented the evidence this would have worked out much better for Dr Ford, Brett Kavanaugh and the American public? It was said Dr Ford didn't want anyone to know who she was.
She got talked into using the Katz law firm and taking a polygraph test so how would meeting in private with the committee be an issue?
There has to be a way for people with different political beliefs to exist together relatively peacefully. It is common place for people to be screamed at and harassed in public at there office and at dinner. In the last year Rand Paul was severely beaten in his front yard. A gunmen tried to shoot 18 Republican Senators and Representatives at a baseball practice.
Unless we all try to find a common ground together this country is going to erupt in a civil war within a few years.