thanks for the response and intelligent disagreement. Points taken. For me, I throw out the argument that the depth is faster, more accurate, etc....I do this because of the servo motor. A motor is controlling the accuracy of frequency production, not the control of a magnet. While a smaller mass speaker will always be easier to control, I think we are splitting hairs when talking about which one is faster.
As far as the amplification, I am sure that the additional power will help with slam, etc....but I would be interested to find out where standard Descent owners traditionally keep the colume knob. I leave mine at 5 and occasionally bump it up just for kicks. I guess personally, I wouldnt benefit from the additional power which is why I walked away from it. I am sure that the distortion is negligable in the long run as well, but what are we gaining if we have the Descent i with a volume knob at 3? For me, only a higher distortion factor, no matter how small.
I hope that clarifies my thoughts. I dont think we really disagree, but rather, approach the question differently.