CLX's @ Overture......soon..very soon !!

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Nov 25, 2005
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I met with Terry today and he is expecting his CLX's any day now. So I expect to hear from him before months end as to a date for a martin Logan gathering @ Overture. He even hinted to me that depending on how many of us from the forum would participate he would possibly put together a PRIVATE showing just for us !

Of note Overture is now a Nelson Pass dealer, so with Pass Labs, Spectral, Mcnitosh, Classe', ARC we will not be lacking for some great gear to drive these babies with. Also Terry now has in the "Mac-dady" Basis turntable in and is awaiting one of the Transfiguration cartridges to pair up with it. For the digital end they have that covered in three of the best pieces on the planet.....Meridian, Spectral and ARC.

yeah......I'm starting to 'jazzed up' .....stay tuned !!
Ok......I spoke with Terry today........ CLX's , Summitt X's are in and are 'running in' , I will be getting together with him later next week (yes I might bring my sleeping bag and spend the nite with the aforementioned 'new arrivals' !), he I plan to put a date together for our own PRIVATE demo day / time @ Overture. So with that being said i want all those interested to think about upcoming Saturdays (or possibly Sunday) that will work for you.

FWIW, I'm leaning towards the Sat after RMAF....10/10

Feel free to PM me with dates that are good for you !

Me thinks this couold be fun !!
I prefer saturdays. Once we are in the month of Nov - the both saturdays and Sundays become open.

Ok, Sat after RMAF is not going to work, so we're now looking towards a date later in the month of Oct, since no one has PM'd me with prefrences when I get back from RMAF I'll sit down with Terry and we'll come up with a date.
I was going to say that Columbus Day weekend works for me but I think that is the weekend after the RMAF. As I said before, I would prefer a saturday in October, preferably in the afternoon but I can make the trip in the morning too.

I will be PM'ing all those that indicated earlier of intrest in 'private ' M/L showing @ Overture, so keep your eyes on your inbox !
Dave -
As I stated im my PM to you, the first and second Saturday in December work well for me. Thanks for your efforts.

I'm am still awaiting Terry's reply, as to a date........ been trying to catch up with him all no avail, sorry, hopefully I will have something early next week. At this juncture I suspect were best off trying for early Dec, if not then I suspect after the Holidays.
Thanks for the update, Dave. I am still interested in going. Please keep us posted of any progress.

Interesting - The latest issue of TAS has an Overture ad for a McIntosh day and and also an ad (from Overture) for the CLX. Alas, no mention of a CLX or Summit X day.

Dave any news about this??

Just wondering...

Well...guess what ?? Terry called me today, is ready to do a CLX -'only' demo either on a Fri evening or possibly a narrow window of time on a Sat. Seems they are 'too busy' to dedicate a "Logan Weekend" at this time.....:banghead:

Myself, other than meeting up with you guys I couldn't care less at this point considering all the hype and promise he first gave me and now this........regardless, if any of you are interested, let me know and I'll pass it along to him.
Dave -

If you wish, you can tell the Overture folks that due to their refusal to commit to a firm date on this one, they may have lost a possible sale. My local ML dealer went out of business about a year ago, but another nearby dealer has taken in the line. I intend to listen to the CLX at their store. However, since this will be a very large and expensive purchase, I also intend to listen to many other competitors. As of now, I'm going to audition the Wilson Sasha, Sophia 2 and several others. To the victor goes the spoils!

Well...guess what ?? Terry called me today, is ready to do a CLX -'only' demo either on a Fri evening or possibly a narrow window of time on a Sat. Seems they are 'too busy' to dedicate a "Logan Weekend" at this time.....:banghead:

Myself, other than meeting up with you guys I couldn't care less at this point considering all the hype and promise he first gave me and now this........regardless, if any of you are interested, let me know and I'll pass it along to him.

I am curious what Overture would consider a "narrow window" for a Saturday. I would expect at least 2 hours of demo before I drive 2 hours to see them. Especially since the entire audience will be current ML owners. Speaking of which, I wonder what the folks at ML would think of Overture's latest response...

At any rate, Dave, thanks for your efforts to put this together. It seems at this point that you are more committed to making this happen than Overture is. Business must really be still good for them.
I have every other Friday off starting Jan 22nd.

But a random saturday could work as well. As Anthony said, some of us will be driving 1-2 (maybe more hrs) away. I would hope Terry simply doesn't give us a small 45 min session.

Dave - just an aside. The one time I went to Overture, I went in on the weekend and the place was totally dead. Yet Damian let me audition a bunch of stuff for at least an hour. One would think if 5-6 guys show up wanting to listen to the CLX (I doubt they have it 'in the back') they would oblige us.

Damian mentioned that normally one needs to set an appointment, but since the store was empty he didn't mind helping me.

Thanks for all your efforts on this Dave. You gave it your best shot, and I do appreciate it.

Gents, I haven't totally given up. I will forward to all Terry's offering once we are able to connect with each other
I wonder if the MD/DC/PA folks just showed up one Saturday morning if they could refuse us?........
