If people really want to spend money on very, very good cables of all types, then they should visit the Blue Jeans Cable website. They deal in science and tested verified product. 98% of all audio wires, cables, interconnects and other stuff are pure marketing BS. Read up at audioholics website. Many marketers use an exotic idea from extremely high frequency stuff and try to apply it to audio gear. It does NOT apply. You can hook up a scope to the output of your power supply inside your gear and look at the signals magnified thousands of times to see if any hash, noise,static or other bad stuff is carried over to your audio signal side. The audio signal side is what matters. You would find that it doesn't carry over in decent gear. Of course I'm not talking about cheap chinese gear (junk) but decent mid grade and up audio gear. For example, let's say that I want to buy a super duper mega awesome speaker wire and exotic banana plugs that were taken up into orbit and brought back to sell to the public. Orbiting the Earth realigned the electrons in the wires for better sound. Then to test, just look at the signal at the output connections from your amp versus the other end of the the speaker wire. What? NO difference? But what if there was a picovolt of difference in the signal? No speakers made on planet earth can tell the difference or play that difference. Speakers are like a huge blanket thrown over very ,very well made equipment that puts out incredibly nice clean audio signals. The awesome signal then goes to a speaker that on its best day could not reproduce diddly squat in signal difference. (OK, a slight exaggeration) . But I think you all get my point. Almost all good audio equipment puts out pretty good to VERY good signals to the speakers, and then the speaker just renders it accordingly to its slow clumsy audio reproduction process with crossovers, wave guides, magnets, spiders, surrounds and other engineering stuff. etc. A frequency graph will show that the sweep (output of the speaker) has at least 5 db minimum, many times 10 db or more of difference across the sweep. Many have big V shaped suck outs too. Then we place this pesky speaker that is lumbering along trying to reproduce that awesome clean signal into horror of horrors A ROOM!
Well, by golly, there goes any sense of accuracy in sound reproduction. Doing a frequency sweep from the listeners position now brings in very large suck outs, cancellations, reflections and multiplying room nodes ect.
I say all this to show how the industry is VERY good at getting a fairly pristine signal to the speaker, only to have the speaker and the room pretty much ruin it. But, our brain fills in frequencies and "normalizes" everything so that our systems sound very good. So as I like to say, spend what you want on what you like and don't worry about it. Whatever your new purchase does to the signal, your brain will override any negatives and normalize it for you. This brain normalization is HUGE! The human brain/ear function is amazing. It can fill in and cover up an amazing amount of frequency dips. So, in the end, you have spent money on a new tweak or wire, cable etc and it will not hurt how your system sounds. Your brain takes over and fixes it! Long live the brain!
I just had a morning with a very large cup of coffee and some time to kill on the keyboard. I figured I'd ramble on and see if it helps anyone. Remember, even if I would not pay money for a big tweak, doesn't mean that you can't. You will end up with a better sounding system to you. So in the end, all's well that ends well. This was just a long winded way of saying that