CLX odyssey begins.... now!

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you get the Decent i subs yet? I just got my Thor TA 1000 back from being completely over hauled to a new model that is not realeased yet called the "Thor Audio Mjollnir" the sound is absolutley stunning! I will be doing a review on this unit for Thor soon. I also just added the Clearaudio Concept Turn table and Meastro cart. very nice for a entry level setup, very very happy with the sound Im getting now. Unreal! The CLX can finally do what they were meant to do.

Hey Pete,

No sub upgrade yet... other issues to contend with this summer although I'm not at all displeased with the current config. Maybe swap subs this fall. Congrats on your ever-evolving uber-system!
Yeah, I always thought that Todd needed a turntable to go with those CLX's.

Maybe someday Bernard. I have certainly visited planet 33 1/3 in the past but I find that, in my advanced-age, I've become a slave to convenience at least as much as a slave to good sound. The hi-res music server rules supreme in my audio realm these days.
Congrats Jeff... pls keep us posted on your acquisition ups and downs. The intent of this thread is to share your CLX experience. We all sincerely hope you receive your CLXs promptly and unscathed.
So it's over 3 weeks without primary speakers. Withdrawl is starting to set in. When I read this thread, I thought, "ha, I am stronger than that, I can wait as long as it takes -they're just speakers." Oh, how wrong I was! Starting to feel the have..electrostat panels...must...have...
Should be any day now. I'm hoping by next week the latest. Ugh!!!

Warning Will Robinson!
My dealer just told me that ML said 2 more weeks. Ugh!!!!
Perhaps this thread is cursed! I did get a call from a raspy voiced spirit last night claiming to be an ancient mummy with this dire warning: "woah to any soul who seeks the sacred CLX covanent upon this thread... for their brow shall furrow, their teeth shall gnash, and manifestation of said treasure shall take longer than expected. Annoyance shall reign... MMMMHHHHAAAHHHAAAHHHAAA... (cough cough)"

I told him he sounded parched... he said "you have no idea".
Looks like another week, but next week looks promising. How long will I need to suffer through break-in?
In my case, I was floored at how great they sounded the very first time I fired them up. Amazing... and they just keep getting better every hour. I never felt like I was suffering at all, just increasingly pleased over time. Compare this to say my Gallo Ref 3.1s... whole different deal (there was indeed suffering up front), and my SF Amati Homage, never got to the post-suffering stage... very long burn-in... still burning in when I sold them 9 months later.

CLX = happiness from day one (In my case anyway).
Perhaps this thread is cursed! I did get a call from a raspy voiced spirit last night claiming to be an ancient mummy with this dire warning: "woah to any soul who seeks the sacred CLX covanent upon this thread... for their brow shall furrow, their teeth shall gnash, and manifestation of said treasure shall take longer than expected. Annoyance shall reign... MMMMHHHHAAAHHHAAAHHHAAA... (cough cough)"

I told him he sounded parched... he said "you have no idea".
Impressive ! Your ancient mummy has access to the Internet (this thread). :bowdown:
Wait a second... Bernard... are you suggesting that my mummy story is a contrivance? Granted it could have been my uncle Imhotep who smokes like a chimney and thinks he's a 4500 year old pyramid architect, come to think of it.
In my case, I was floored at how great they sounded the very first time I fired them up. Amazing... and they just keep getting better every hour. I never felt like I was suffering at all, just increasingly pleased over time. Compare this to say my Gallo Ref 3.1s... whole different deal (there was indeed suffering up front), and my SF Amati Homage, never got to the post-suffering stage... very long burn-in... still burning in when I sold them 9 months later.

CLX = happiness from day one (In my case anyway).

That's good news. I will run them 24/7 for a week or so anyway. Next question, I still am concerned about their "crankability". Have you run decibel meter tests? If so at what point do they start to become problematic. I want the best of both worlds, the magic with voice and acoustic jazz that inspired me to buy them, but I also loved to be enveloped by the music with powerful rock. I am a classic rocker, not a headbanger though. 100db avg/110db peak is about as loud as I go.

The thing about the CLX is that they are ridiculously transparent. You hear EVERYTHING that's fed to them. As such, I find that with most rock, what I tend to hear is the production/mastering behind the music... which usually leaves a lot to be desired. The less processed and over-produced, the better (IMO). They will absolutely play loud. I have an iPhone spl app, registered 105 peak during one crank-event and they never broke a sweat (that's with 600W monos driving them though)... which is the other aspect... the CLXs adore power. I think you'll be fine with your compliment of MAC gear.

Having said all that, I did just respond in another thread with my thoughts on "slam" and how good quality dynamic speakers still reign in that department (IMO)... here:
Hi Jeff,

Congrats on your pending speaker.

You probably know this but it's worthwhile to underscore.

If you run your system at 100db average, you definitely run the risk of damaging your hearing.

Good luck.

Hi Jeff,

Congrats on your pending speaker.

You probably know this but it's worthwhile to underscore.

If you run your system at 100db average, you definitely run the risk of damaging your hearing.

Good luck.


WHAT? :rocker:
The thing about the CLX is that they are ridiculously transparent. You hear EVERYTHING that's fed to them. As such, I find that with most rock, what I tend to hear is the production/mastering behind the music... which usually leaves a lot to be desired. The less processed and over-produced, the better (IMO). They will absolutely play loud. I have an iPhone spl app, registered 105 peak during one crank-event and they never broke a sweat (that's with 600W monos driving them though)... which is the other aspect... the CLXs adore power. I think you'll be fine with your compliment of MAC gear.

Having said all that, I did just respond in another thread with my thoughts on "slam" and how good quality dynamic speakers still reign in that department (IMO)... here:

That's what I suspected. Some inferior favorites will just have to be sacrificed!

The 500 watt Macs should be good (I hope!) The slam department will be supplemented by the wonderful JL f113. Hopefully we'll clone the JL by the end of the year for proper stereo subs!

Wait a second... Bernard... are you suggesting that my mummy story is a contrivance? Granted it could have been my uncle Imhotep who smokes like a chimney and thinks he's a 4500 year old pyramid architect, come to think of it.
Sacrilege, Todd, are you saying that you allow your ancient uncle Imhotep to smoke in the same room as your CLX's ?
If you run your system at 100db average, you definitely run the risk of damaging your hearing.

Good luck.

Agreed. I'm amazed at the levels at which some audiophiles listen to their systems. I knew a lady who used to frequent discos, and was used to ringing in the ears for a few days after, after which it went away. Then one day it did not go away. It took her a year to get used to it.