CLX odyssey begins.... now!

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Hi Len,


Although I'll qualify that statement by adding that the Olive PLUS the iPhone controller app is what I really love. I don't think I would be happy without the iPhone app. The Olive is a very nice server with lots of great features and wonderful sound, but the built-in user interface is weak and clunky and hard to see across the room unless you have a monitor hooked up via HDMI.

As far as quirks go, I've only noticed a few so far:

1) Out of about 500 or so CDs I've loaded in, the Olive has been unable to recognize exactly two of those discs when loaded into it's transport. Those two discs work fine on other players, so something about the Olive that's causing this problem. There is a work-around though... which is just to rip the CD to my PC, transcode to FLAC and then upload to my Olive via wifi... works fine, just a few extra steps involved.

2) The CDs I rip into the Olive don't always have proper meta-data, so sometimes the will come up as "unknown". This maybe happens on 2% of the discs I load in. The work-around here is simply to edit the meta-data using your PC via wifi, you can upload the correct album art and enter in the data for tracks, artist, title, etc. I don't think this is an Olive issue as much as just a CD authoring issue by what ever lazy-ass label decides to cut corners during production.

3) You really shouldn't try and multitask with the Olive. By that I mean simultaneously try to rip a CD, listen to a different selection from the hard-drive, and/or edit meta-data for yet another CD you've already loaded in. Any combination of these things can lead to a lock-up where the only fix is a power cycle.

Beyond these issues, I find myself using the Olive 99.9% of the time in my stereo setup. I love how it looks, feels, and acts like an audio component (not a PC loaded with software parading like an audio component).

Hope this helps.

Cheers, Todd
Hello all. I just joined this forum. I read through this rather interesting thread.

I am ordering new CLX Arts next week. Very excited! I've been wanting to get these for months.

Welcome Jeff and a huge congrats on your pending CLX acquisition! Can you share with us your associated equipment? You've probably noticed but there is a thread on this forum specifically for new comers to introduce themselves. It's fine that you said "hello" here, you'll just be able to reach more folks via the intro-thread. Keep us posted on your trials and tribulations - that's what this thread is really all about... tracing the path of CLX acquisition and ownership. Feel free to drop in here often and keep us apprised. Would also like to see pics at some point.

Cheers, Todd
Welcome Jeff. Congratulations on your decision to purchase the CLX's. They are a wonderful speaker.
Thank you guys! I am finalizing the sale of my current speakers, which should be wrapped up early next week, then the order goes in. I am going to get black ash CLXes. My dealer said 3 weeks, but after reading this thread, I'm resigned to them being here when they get here!

I am a McIntosh man. The ML's will be part of a hybrid 2.1/5.1 system. When I listen to 2 channel, I power all the surround gear down. The 2 channel system consists of MC501 amps; C2200 pre-amp; MDA1000 DAC; MVP861 CD/DVD; and MS300 music server. I also use my Sonos as a source through the McIntosh DAC as a frequently used source. It's a nice system. I will be using a single JL f113 sub to start, but I plan on adding a second in a few months.

I will definitely post pics when they come.
Yup keep us all posted and of course we all love pics here. Seriously good speakers and welcome to the madness.:)
Thank you guys! I am finalizing the sale of my current speakers, which should be wrapped up early next week, then the order goes in. I am going to get black ash CLXes. My dealer said 3 weeks, but after reading this thread, I'm resigned to them being here when they get here!

I am a McIntosh man. The ML's will be part of a hybrid 2.1/5.1 system. When I listen to 2 channel, I power all the surround gear down. The 2 channel system consists of MC501 amps; C2200 pre-amp; MDA1000 DAC; MVP861 CD/DVD; and MS300 music server. I also use my Sonos as a source through the McIntosh DAC as a frequently used source. It's a nice system. I will be using a single JL f113 sub to start, but I plan on adding a second in a few months.

I will definitely post pics when they come.
Hi Jeff,
R U dealing with Ralph at Take -5 in New Haven?
He is a great guy I have have been going there for 25 years.

A fellow Ct Audiophool


Although I'll qualify that statement by adding that the Olive PLUS the iPhone controller app is what I really love. I don't think I would be happy without the iPhone app. The Olive is a very nice server with lots of great features and wonderful sound, but the built-in user interface is weak and clunky and hard to see across the room unless you have a monitor hooked up via HDMI.

Beyond these issues, I find myself using the Olive 99.9% of the time in my stereo setup. I love how it looks, feels, and acts like an audio component (not a PC loaded with software parading like an audio component).

Hope this helps.

Cheers, Todd

Thanks so much Todd. Your experience and insightful comments are most helpful.

I was, however, a bit concerned that you would provide such a glowing review. Now I am going to have to figure out how to get one of these as I rebuild my two-channel system.

Given your evident excellent taste in all things musical, I figure one could not go too far off-course emulating your superb assemblage of gear, arrayed in such a gorgeous setting. :bowdown:

Thanks again!
Hi Len,

I am genuinely humbled by your comments. I'm just fumbling through this hobby like most others. So may I ask what the back-story is for you wrt your "system rebuild"? Are you starting literally from square one, or just ready to swap some componentry? Can you give us a verbal (or literal) snapshot of your current system and your next steps in terms of changes/additions?



Kind of you to ask. It looks like mostly a "from scratch" 2-Channel system build, but perhaps not quite (or at least not all at once). Anyway, apologies for the following if it proves to be TMI...

Where I've been: Long-time (But Wait, There's More) Yamaha devotee, with a complete Yamaha 1000 MX/CX/TX/CDX system coupled with older Sansui speakers and at one time Bose 901s. Sounded pretty darn good in their environment, downstairs with pool table and speakers on either side of the brick fireplace, which jutted out into the room. Really got the "Direct/Reflecting" aspects of the 901s humming pretty good in their own three-sided "box" environment. Spent many a happy hour there in the late 80's / early 90's (Rapid City, SD).

Upgraded to Yamaha 2000 series (found "musuem quality" components) circa 2006, and added first Martin-Logans: Aeons (i). Wonderful sound. Then I started thinking, "Heck, I could do a home theater thing here." So, added a basic Pioneer surround processor, a Cinema (i) center, and a 73" Mitsubishi CRT, and I was in business. My satisfaction lasted only a short while, however, so added Ascents (i), and another Yamaha: DSP-AZ1. This proved a pretty neat setup, as I could hook up the Ascents directly to the Yamaha MX-2000 (the best sounding of my amps) for 2-channel, and still have them in the circuit for HT duty (7.0). Summits were added circa 2008.

More recent updates have included morphing to a mostly ARCAM system: AV9 Pre-Pro, P7 Power Amp, CD37, C31 Pre + 2x P1 Mono Amps. I am also workiing to get the room "right."

Where I am headed (Hopefully): CLX, Olive, Pass Labs XP-20 Pre and XA160.5 Amps, 2x Descent (i) w/CLX Mod, and that WS-whatcha-macalit DAC doo-hicky (W4S-DAC2). I envision this as a discrete 2-Channel System, in my very own listening room...IF I can swing it. Wish me luck!
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I wish you all the luck in the world Len! Sounds like an incredible system! I enjoyed taking the equipment history tour with you as well. Thanks for sharing. While I've never owned any Yamaha, many of my friends have and they've been quite satisfied. The one very positive experience I had with Yamaha was when I was visiting a Tweeter store and demoing some Sonus Faber Conertinos... the sales guy had hooked the other amps he normally used with the SFs into another system for a demo, so he just wired the Concertinos up to a decent Yamaha receiver and let me have at it. I don't know if it was the room, or the barametric pressure, or the relative humidity, or planetary alignment, but as I played a few tracks from an Esteban Salas CD (18th century Cuban Baroque), I was floored by the presentation. The sales guy came in too and I could tell he was as surprised as I was with the fidelity issuing forth from this combination of equipment, room, music. I'll never forget that.

Anyway, best of luck and pls use this thread to keep us apprised as to when you order your CLXs :)

Hi jeff!
Awesome to see another ct dude getting the CLX!
I would love to see/hear your system. Where abouts are you in ct?
It's funny I'm still in costa rica recovery from a very bad night of ingesting
Some bad food(and finding out just how long it takes to escavate From every possible place)
But I just had to find the resort hotspot and see what's up on mlc!
Roberto sorry I couldn't make it to your house, I mentioned it to my significant
Other and her look was enough:(. Perhaps if you weren't 3 hours drive I could have worked it out. Cheers all and congrats
recovery from a very bad night of ingesting
Some bad food(and finding out just how long it takes to escavate From every possible place)
Necrojunior, you have my sympathies. I had the same problem a year ago after eating bad oysters in San Clemente, CA. Had to reschedule my flight back home.
you get the Decent i subs yet? I just got my Thor TA 1000 back from being completely over hauled to a new model that is not realeased yet called the "Thor Audio Mjollnir" the sound is absolutley stunning! I will be doing a review on this unit for Thor soon. I also just added the Clearaudio Concept Turn table and Meastro cart. very nice for a entry level setup, very very happy with the sound Im getting now. Unreal! The CLX can finally do what they were meant to do.
I also just added the Clearaudio Concept Turn table and Meastro cart. very nice for a entry level setup, very very happy with the sound Im getting now. Unreal! The CLX can finally do what they were meant to do.
Yeah, I always thought that Todd needed a turntable to go with those CLX's.
Hi jeff!
Awesome to see another ct dude getting the CLX!
I would love to see/hear your system. Where abouts are you in ct?
It's funny I'm still in costa rica recovery from a very bad night of ingesting
Some bad food(and finding out just how long it takes to escavate From every possible place)
But I just had to find the resort hotspot and see what's up on mlc!
Roberto sorry I couldn't make it to your house, I mentioned it to my significant
Other and her look was enough:(. Perhaps if you weren't 3 hours drive I could have worked it out. Cheers all and congrats

Sorry for the delay getting back here. The CLX Arts in black ash are ordered! if all goes well they will be here next week. i am getting really psyched. Also starting to go through some withdrawl. I am using my Mcintosh XCS320 surround speakers as my mains and they are just not cutting it.

I'm in the Stamford area, how about you?

I will post pics as soon as it's all set up.

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you get the Decent i subs yet? I just got my Thor TA 1000 back from being completely over hauled to a new model that is not realeased yet called the "Thor Audio Mjollnir" the sound is absolutley stunning! I will be doing a review on this unit for Thor soon. I also just added the Clearaudio Concept Turn table and Meastro cart. very nice for a entry level setup, very very happy with the sound Im getting now. Unreal! The CLX can finally do what they were meant to do.

I find the Concept to be very interesting, particularly at that price. Do you have any issues with feedack at higher volumes?
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Hola Necrosuit. Please do not worry about will be, and also I hope to have better room for my CLXs. But the truth is, they are great speakers even in this condition. Sorry to hear that you are sick. I wish to you a very healthy home return!...regards my friend,
Love the spatial distorion thing OR are these the new CLX desktop computer units? What gauge are those flesh colored cables?
