CLX musings..

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Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
Avon, IN

I've owned two prs of Aerius i's, the remaining pair is now in the front of my HT system with a Cinema center channel. The sound is very good. I have a 2ch system that is McIntosh and VSA and am exploring the possibility of going with a pair of CLXs. I've heard them several times at the local dealer and came away impressed with the resolution and soundstage. My only concern was what seemed to be a bit of flattening of the stage...a perceived lack of depth. Of course the bass doesn't plumb the depths as much as my current box speakers/twin subwoofers does but I would definitely run the CLXs with a pr of subs. Has anyone here also noticed the somewhat limited depth of the soundstage with these speakers? Like I said I have heard them several times with different amplification and in different rooms but that limited depth was a constant.

Ok one last question. The ML site says that high gloss wood frames are available. Does anyone happen to know the upcharge for that? Thanks in advance!
Hola. The new type of panels that are in the CLXs have more front presentation. If you want more 3D sense, just move them going toe-out. Usually, their position is toe-in. You are right with the lack of deep bass. You have to think that the subs are part of them (also think they were designed this way), so subs are a must on the CLXs. To my ears, the CLXs shines with any type of music...jazz, rock, classical, lounge, easy listening...solo instrument, big orchestra, strings, piano, guitar, wind instruments, percussion, timbales, congas, harp, oboe, clarinet, trumpet, sax, voices, you name it!.

What I like most of mines are:
1) No ear fatigue. I can listen for hours, and still enjoying their sound
2) Harmonic detail. You can tell easy between a viola and a violin
3) Stage. I have an incredible stage, with tons of 3D
4) Love their capability to play dynamic content as well the nuances of the music
5) the right size of the instruments. You can have the size of the violin and the size of a big piano playing together.
6) Everything is crystal clear
7) You can play bad recordings or Youtube, and the sound is much better than what I listened on others.
8) Vocals are goose bumps makers. Female voice are played without any glare or sored throat.
9) Male voices are well defined with outstanding resolution.
10) You can easy tell what the left hand of a piano player is doing vs right hand...

I could going and going, and also another truth, they are not perfect. But what they do well, is impressive. They challenge speakers costing three or four times their value... a well spent money! Love them! Happy listening!
My only concern was what seemed to be a bit of flattening of the stage...a perceived lack of depth. Has anyone here also noticed the somewhat limited depth of the soundstage with these speakers? Like I said I have heard them several times with different amplification and in different rooms but that limited depth was a constant.
I have CLX's well set up in a large room. I attend CES every year (have not missed a show in 12 years). Each day before attending the show I spend a minimum of 30 minutes listening to and setting my ears to my system. I do the same when I return home. Three years ago IIRC when the Magico Q5 was all the rage. I managed to walk into the Soulution Audio room on the last day of CES. It was just me and one Soulution Audio rep. They had their top of the line 700 series amps connected to the Q5's and for the next 2 hours the rep and I conversed and enjoyed the music. Sometime during the session he said let me show you something special. The rep put on Lou Reeds "A Walk on the Wild Side". He said to listen to how the colored girls come from far back stage to the front. Was he ever correct. They came strolling forward and slightly higher as they sang "do ta do ta do do..." I was impressed. When I got home added "A Walk on the Wild Side" to the beginning of my usual listening routine. I hadn't played it since getting the CLX's. And there it was in its full glory. The colored girls started from what seemed to be outside the house and move forward to center stage singing "do ta do ta do do..." Do the CLX's have depth? The visceral answer is yes. I'll give a more analytic response shortly.

Thanks for the detailed responses guys. I love ML stats and the CLX stands way above the other offerings IMO. The only hesitancy I have is the soundstage depth. Roberto, you said to toe the speakers out? That is something I have never considered or heard of. I would think that would kill imaging. Gary how do you have your CLXs positioned regarding distance from front wall and toe in? Thanks again..
Thanks for the detailed responses guys. I love ML stats and the CLX stands way above the other offerings IMO. The only hesitancy I have is the soundstage depth. Roberto, you said to toe the speakers out? That is something I have never considered or heard of. I would think that would kill imaging. Gary how do you have your CLXs positioned regarding distance from front wall and toe in? Thanks again..

How can you say that, if you had never done it? With ML, you can seat in the event at any place. You want to be long away (please excuse my bad English) from the stage, then use toe-out position, then you want to be at the first row, the use toe-in position. One inch makes a big difference in where you are sitting in front of the stage. Try it, you will find that this is an amazing possibility with any ML product. And the stage stays as it is, with the musician(s) playing for you in the same space. Air between them and holographic stable image. Perhaps you do not like to seat at the back of the event, because the instruments are smaller with less presence than if you use the toe-in setting. Trust your ears. Stay on every movement at least 30 to 40 minutes, so your brain understand the changes that you just made. Use masking take to mark on the floor, the places that you did like...and later on, choose the one that you liked most. Happy listening!
Hi, may I advice before making such a big purchase compare the CLX's to the Apogees and the Analysis Audio Omega. If you have the room, then also the Soundlabs. And then decide


I've owned two prs of Aerius i's, the remaining pair is now in the front of my HT system with a Cinema center channel. The sound is very good. I have a 2ch system that is McIntosh and VSA and am exploring the possibility of going with a pair of CLXs. I've heard them several times at the local dealer and came away impressed with the resolution and soundstage. My only concern was what seemed to be a bit of flattening of the stage...a perceived lack of depth. Of course the bass doesn't plumb the depths as much as my current box speakers/twin subwoofers does but I would definitely run the CLXs with a pr of subs. Has anyone here also noticed the somewhat limited depth of the soundstage with these speakers? Like I said I have heard them several times with different amplification and in different rooms but that limited depth was a constant.

Ok one last question. The ML site says that high gloss wood frames are available. Does anyone happen to know the upcharge for that? Thanks in advance!