After waiting for my stands to come back from the powder coater I decided to take the panels out and re sand the walnut and give it a Hand rubbed look.(Might just as well have newly finished wood to match the new stands to come) I took them down to 400 grit with a palm sander. They were coated first coat with a slurry of BLO and Walnut dust to fill pores. Then they were treated to 5 coats of 1/3 BLO , 1/3 tongue oil, and 3 equal parts of Sable black stain , antique brown stain and a wood Varnish. This was rubbed on and let soak for 10 min then hand buffed off to dry. The figuring is so much more pronounced and its a softer look with a tad bit darker appearance. By the way BLO=boiled linseed oil.
Here is a before and after of the same speaker ! The one is sitting on the stands before I sent them out for coating ! Ill post them when finished.
Here is a before and after of the same speaker ! The one is sitting on the stands before I sent them out for coating ! Ill post them when finished.