Cinese ear cleaning for better sound

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A Photo of Ear Candling Process

I also found this interesting photo of a person having Ear Candling applied...


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Rich said:
Before making such strong statements, you should check an anatomy book. The eustachian tubes connect your middle ear to your throat and allow you to equalize air pressure in your ear.

While you're checking that anatomy book you will find that the external canal is not connected to the eustachian tubes in any way.

My ENT claims thus in his email I got today:

"Ear Candles are a big fraud. The FDA has pursued companies claiming their medical benefits. Many Ear Candles are now labeled "for entertainment purposes only." I have had multiple patients with problems caused from using Ear Candles.

Interestingly enough one of my patients did the Candle procedure twice a year. He is likely one of your clients as he said the main reason for his love of music. I bought an Ear Candle and during his visit we ran a test. I put the Ear Candle in an empty bottle, taping it firmly so no air could get in or out. We lit the candle and went thru the whole procedure. He was shocked to find the same earwax looking residue. Needless to say he now follows my advice on how to properly clean out his ears!"

Now my ENT could be lying, but I don't see why. Perhaps Gordon is willing to run a similar test for us.

I would greatly like to hear some people on here and their known medically recognized methods for cleaning out their ears and what is their most popular method.
Robin said:
I found this article by an MD...

Then I found this information by folks promoting "Ear Candles"....

I don't know?

Their are definately two strong points of view concerning this method of ear cleaning that's for sure... :)

A Strong point is "history dates it back to Atlantis and Lemuria"....

Followed by their description of air moving up the Eustachian tubes, etc. They don't even know proper anatomy.

Meanwhile I have an ENT and so does Gordon that says it is a sham.
My Current Method...

Well, my current method is as follows:

* I see my MD, he examines my beautiful ears.

* If he sees I have alot of wax or my ears are too dirty or both in my
external ear cannal, my MD will perscribe an ear drops for three to seven

* I see my doctor again at the end of my drops treatment. He has a nurse
squirt out my ears with blub syringe / emesis pan and warm steril H2O.

* The nurse showes me what all came out and that's about it... ;)
Whatever works for you

I say go with whatever works for you. Ear candling works for me, as do the ear drops. But I have never felt the need to pay a doctor to clean my ears.

As for why an ENT would not necessarily be completely knowledgeable about or accepting of candling, I would simply point out that they don't teach folk remedies in medical school, and doctors don't make any money when people take care of themselves with home remedies.

I would agree that there are some hokey claims made about candling by some folks, but I would not so quickly dismiss a technique that has been used by multiple cultures for thousands of years simply because an ENT who makes money cleaning ear wax says it is a fraud. Just my 2 cents. I understand it's not for everyone.
Rich said:
I say go with whatever works for you. Ear candling works for me, as do the ear drops. But I have never felt the need to pay a doctor to clean my ears.

As for why an ENT would not necessarily be completely knowledgeable about or accepting of candling, I would simply point out that they don't teach folk remedies in medical school, and doctors don't make any money when people take care of themselves with home remedies.

I would agree that there are some hokey claims made about candling by some folks, but I would not so quickly dismiss a technique that has been used by multiple cultures for thousands of years simply because an ENT who makes money cleaning ear wax says it is a fraud. Just my 2 cents. I understand it's not for everyone.

So the ENT is out for money. I get it. That is your response after telling someone to look into a book on anatomy where you're totally wrong about what they will find in the book. So instead of admiting that it is a hoax you attack the messengers.

However my ENT told me that they did go over Ear Candles and other such things in class. They showed how they were hoaxes and what DAMAGE they can cause. I think that is the biggest thing here. They can cause you DAMAGE. They don't do what you think they're doing.

Well I just finished buying an Ear Candle. I punched a whole in the top of an empty jar's lid. I used duct tape to make sure it was inserted properly. The end result was a bunch of crap that looked like Ear Wax. Except the Jar was empty.

So explain to me how multiple Doctor's claims, and now my own personal observations of it being a total fraud are anything but that? In fact while choosing Candles, I couldn't help but notice that many said "For Entertainment Purposes Only!"

The only thing an Ear Candle can do for your hearing is cause some wax to melt and dislodge some of it. That is it! It does not suck anything out of your ear.

How do we know this has been used by multiple cultures for thousands of years? Because they tell us that? Well they tell me it comes from Atlantis too. So... I find it hard to believe. It's a straight up con. When buying the candle tonight, the salesperson joked about it to me. Told me he saw Penn & Teller debunk the damn thing on their TV show.

I told him I was testing it for a bunch of people. If I'd been buying it for myself I might have been insulted by the salesperson. In this case I wasn't.
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I would guess that 99% of the items sold in a "health" store a

MD would consider a scam otherwise they would be in a pharmacy. Many

people do buy these items and testify to their benefits. I'll pass this one

off to roberto....

tsd2005 said:
So the ENT is out for money. I get it. That is your response after telling someone to look into a book on anatomy where you're totally wrong about what they will find in the book. So instead of admiting that it is a hoax you attack the messengers.

Actually, unlike yourself, I'm not attacking anyone. Just offering my opinion about a product I have found to be useful and effective, and about why an ENT may have a preconceived bias against it. And what I said about the anatomy book was absolutely correct. The Eustachian tubes connect the middle ear to the throat and allow you equalize pressure in your ear. That is actually an exact quote from my anatomy book.

Your "experiment" sounds very scientific. I notice you didn't actually put the candle where it is supposed to go, which is in your ear. In fact, it seems that all of the people trashing this as a hoax have never actually tried it for themselves. I expect these same people would lambast someone for trashing the new line of M.L.s when they hadn't even listened to them, just based on what some professional reviewers had told them.

Now you may decide to try it, and you may decide that it doesn't work for you, and that is fine by me. Or you may decide that it is too dangerous and useless and you don't want to try it, and that is fine too. But your screaming that it is a fake and a fraud falls on deaf ears (no pun intended) when I know that I have used it and it has worked for me and I suffered no ill effects from the experience. Others on this forum that have actually used them support my opinion. Like I said in my last post, if it doesn't work for you, go pay your ear doctor to clean your wax out.

That's my last word on this subject, since I don't see that the discussion is moving in a positive direction. It's a shame that what started out as such a light-hearted thread has turned into something so negative. I apologize if my posts have contributed to that tone.
Rich said:
Actually, unlike yourself, I'm not attacking anyone. Just offering my opinion about a product I have found to be useful and effective, and about why an ENT may have a preconceived bias against it. And what I said about the anatomy book was absolutely correct. The Eustachian tubes connect the middle ear to the throat and allow you equalize pressure in your ear. That is actually an exact quote from my anatomy book.

Your "experiment" sounds very scientific. I notice you didn't actually put the candle where it is supposed to go, which is in your ear. In fact, it seems that all of the people trashing this as a hoax have never actually tried it for themselves. I expect these same people would lambast someone for trashing the new line of M.L.s when they hadn't even listened to them, just based on what some professional reviewers had told them.

Now you may decide to try it, and you may decide that it doesn't work for you, and that is fine by me. Or you may decide that it is too dangerous and useless and you don't want to try it, and that is fine too. But your screaming that it is a fake and a fraud falls on deaf ears (no pun intended) when I know that I have used it and it has worked for me and I suffered no ill effects from the experience. Others on this forum that have actually used them support my opinion. Like I said in my last post, if it doesn't work for you, go pay your ear doctor to clean your wax out.

That's my last word on this subject, since I don't see that the discussion is moving in a positive direction. It's a shame that what started out as such a light-hearted thread has turned into something so negative. I apologize if my posts have contributed to that tone.

Both the United States and Canada have done their own experiments. They both have made the importing of these candles: ILLEGAL. To sell them as thearaputic, or to use them in any theraputic form is ILLEGAL.

They get around it by saying its for entertainment purposes. Just remember the next time you stick it in your ear, that you're doing something considered illegal. So when you finally do injure your ear, your insurance provider won't cover any of it.


This is a quote from Health Canada:

"In 1996, a report published in the medical journal Laryngoscope concluded that "ear candles have no benefit in the management of cerumen (ear wax) and may result in serious injury." Health Canada agrees.

The authors of the report, all of whom were medical doctors, conducted a survey of 122 ear specialists. They found 21 cases of serious injury caused by ear candling. In six of these cases, patients temporarily lost their hearing. Other problems reported among the group included:

Thirteen cases of burns
Seven cases where the wax from the candle had blocked the ear canal
One case of a punctured ear drum "

Why you are taking offense to someone trying to save you from hurting yourself is beyond me.

I'm sorry but your defense of defining to me what a Eustachian Tube is and trying to make that prove your point is insane. The Eustachian Tube is NOT CONNECTED to the external ear canal!!!!! Just because an Ear Candle document says it helps with it, doesn't make it so.

This is absurd you say I'm "attacking you," when I'm doing nothing but pointing out that your medical procedure is nothing more than a DANGEROUS hoax.

At least I'm not on here advising people to do something that can SERIOUSLY hurt them. In fact I'm on here to tell them to stay away from it! You can tell people to do something that could leave the DEAF. I'm not going to do it.

You might as well tell members to take up smoking or heroin!

You might not see the connection. I do. You're trying to advise people to try something that could leave them DEAF. You're trying to advise people to try something that is a PROVEN HOAX. You're trying to advise people to do something that Doctors tell you not to do. Your only defense is saying it works for you. When told why you perceive it to work, you brush that off.

I just don't get it. Why be so ignorant about your health?

In fact what if someone on this site, reads what you say and goes "Well damn, those guys are just jealous that it works!" They go out and end up Deaf in one ear.

How would that make you feel?
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Just remember the next time you stick it in your ear, that you're doing something considered illegal.
"I got life for what are you in for?" :D
Craig said:
"I got life for what are you in for?" :D

And he said "what were you arrested for", and I said "littering"...and they all moved away from me on the group 'w' bench...until I said "and creating a nuisance", and they all moved back, and we had a great time talking about mother r@ping, father st@bbing, and all sorts of other groovy stuff"...:)

(from the classic Thanksgiving Day song, Arlo Guthries "Alices Restaurant")

In China there were no candles just small metal probes. These may have been heated.
It took about 5 minutes for each ear.
It did not hurt and the effects were very very good.

Here is a picture.



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Sorry for original sarcastic offense intended at all. Otherwise I will stick to my original premise. As for the melons, well they are more fun than an empty jar ;^) To make that jar test more accurate, you should do an ear candle in your ear with the same brand of candle you used in the jar and then compare the two little wax blobs in the bottom and see if they are different in any way.

Regardless of opinions of efficacy, as long as users are aware that they sometimes cause harm, I would say let them have at it. If standing on your head in the southwest corner of your house once a day makes your migraines go away, who cares why? Have at it. If your hearing significantly improved with candling, that is what matters. I still wouldnt do it, but if you are informed of the risks--have at it. I will stick with irrigation therapy.

Now that looks cool....and is a completely different tool. Is the warmth transmitted fromthe hands or another source?
Effective, Efficient and Friendly Ear Cleaning...

:) This is what I call warm and friendly ear cleaning...


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Japanese Ear Cleaning

Ear cleaning is considered a romantic activity here in Japan. With your head in their lap, your partner uses a small bamboo ear "spoon" to scrape and remove the wax from your ears and occasionally also swaps the ear canal with a very fluffy take on the Q-tip. Done with love and a delicate touch, it feels great and can help with the hearing... done carelessly it can hurt like all @#$%*! I have heard there is a danger in over cleaning your ears as well... we produce the wax for a reason!
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