CD/SACD players

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Well-known member
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Dec 15, 2006
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Wesley Chapel, Fl
I am looking for a replacement CD/SACD player. I would prefer not to have DVD as it just adds more cost that is not related to CD. If I buy just a good quality CD player I probably won't spend the money for a stand alone SACD player for quite a while. I have read a lot of reviews on CD and SACD players starting with the early 90s. After 10 or 12 hours of reading, player 1 is better than that player 2 and player 2 is better than player 3 and so on until you get to player 8 and it's the only player that was better than player 1 :banghead:
So after a couple aspirin and a glass of wine I am going to buy a Krell SACD Standard and a Sony SCD-1 and see how they sound. (If any of you have listened to these please give me your opinion, good or bad) I will keep the one I like best and sell the other. Depending on how they sound I may look for something else. I'm planing to try SACD/CD players new or used up to $3000. I would like to try an all tube or hybrid but everything appears to be priced much higher than I would like to spend.
I am using and Aragon 24k preamp, Aragon D2A, ARC Classic 120s and sl3s. The preamp and DAC may be the next to change depending on how a new player fits in with them.
If any of you have any suggestions of players I may want to try if I still want to continue looking I would appreciate it.
This might be a long process but should be enjoyable.
As opposed to last weekend I went to a local high end audio dealer to look at a new ($3ooo MSRP) CD player that I was intending on buying. After filling out some contact information and being asked a few questions (which is OK) The sales person said he would not be able to play the unit that was setting on a shelf as a display and would not even tell me what their asking price was unless I would commit to buying it first. Needless to say I left the store shaking my head.

Thanks Brad
I am looking for a replacement CD/SACD player. I would prefer not to have DVD as it just adds more cost that is not related to CD. If I buy just a good quality CD player I probably won't spend the money for a stand alone SACD player for quite a while. I have read a lot of reviews on CD and SACD players starting with the early 90s. After 10 or 12 hours of reading, player 1 is better than that player 2 and player 2 is better than player 3 and so on until you get to player 8 and it's the only player that was better than player 1 :banghead:
So after a couple aspirin and a glass of wine I am going to buy a Krell SACD Standard and a Sony SCD-1 and see how they sound. (If any of you have listened to these please give me your opinion, good or bad) I will keep the one I like best and sell the other. Depending on how they sound I may look for something else. I'm planing to try SACD/CD players new or used up to $3000. I would like to try an all tube or hybrid but everything appears to be priced much higher than I would like to spend.
I am using and Aragon 24k preamp, Aragon D2A, ARC Classic 120s and sl3s. The preamp and DAC may be the next to change depending on how a new player fits in with them.
If any of you have any suggestions of players I may want to try if I still want to continue looking I would appreciate it.
This might be a long process but should be enjoyable.
As opposed to last weekend I went to a local high end audio dealer to look at a new ($3ooo MSRP) CD player that I was intending on buying. After filling out some contact information and being asked a few questions (which is OK) The sales person said he would not be able to play the unit that was setting on a shelf as a display and would not even tell me what their asking price was unless I would commit to buying it first. Needless to say I left the store shaking my head.

Thanks Brad

Brad, what a sensible and logical opproach to determining which player mates best in your system and meets your expectations. It's very fortunate that you can afford to take this step. I have a good friend who is running the Krell in his ML system and it is a very good sounding player. If you don't mind looking at used equipment you can probably find a Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista SACD unit or even an Esoteric DV-50 over on A-gon in your price range. Both are worthy of your short list, but the two you mentioned are also great units.

Regarding the treatment you suffered at the hands of the unamed High End dealer, this sort of snobbish attitude is one of the worst problems in the HiFi industry in my opinion and can only result in alienating the clientel that they will ultimately need to embrace in order to keep the doors open. Big Box stores and mid-fi garbage will certainly suffice to keep most of the public satisfied. If the High End industry wants to continue to survive, much less introduce their products to whole new generations of loyal customers, they had better start mentoring and encouraging that potential audiance rather than treating them like scum. what a bonehead move on their part. I just don't get it.:mad:

you might want to consider auditioning the Sony SCD-XA9000ES, too.

I don't think that the build quality of the XA9000ES is as nice as the SCD-1, but it does have a few advantages: (1) It can do multi-channel (2) It can output SACD digitally over iLink (3) It's a few years newer, so the DACs may be better.

have a look at:

If you can arrange to hear one, might make you change your mind ;)



miljac, Good morning, you know everytime I look at that player it still looks like the "nickle ninety eight" unit from Sony that it started out as.
Dan (DTB300) and several others have stated how good Allen's and the offerings from Modwright are, and I don't doubt them, I guess you're right, one needs to listen and let your auditory senses be the Judge !!

It still looks cheap, IMO !!

yes it DOES look cheap. And was cheap. And is even not expensive modified. And how it sounds I'll find out probably next month when I get mine. According to Allen it has more "bang" than my VSE Lev 5 modded SCD 555ES (European model - not a changer) and otherwise comparable. And that it makes a wonderful DVD player at the same time. So - 1 box for all (except DVD audio) - at that price tag. I tell you, I believe him - and - when it sounds comparable to my SACD player it is a great bargain! Never mind the looks. I'd certainly give it a try.


Let's assume for a second that I'm not a brazillionaire :)

When looking at DAC specs, what am I looking for? 24/96? 24/192? 24/108? 220? 221? Whatever it takes? :)

I realize after reading some of these threads that transport and the laser are just as important but I really can't afford a SCD-1 just for audio. I can't afford a SCD-1 at all :)
Let's assume for a second that I'm not a brazillionaire :)

George Bush was talking one morning with some of his advisors and it was brought up that in the previous day one brazillion was killed. George got this very upset look on his face and his eyes started to water. :( He then looked at his top advisor and asked "how many is in a brazillion?" :D
Let's assume for a second that I'm not a brazillionaire

When looking at DAC specs, what am I looking for? 24/96? 24/192? 24/108? 220? 221? Whatever it takes?

I realize after reading some of these threads that transport and the laser are just as important but I really can't afford a SCD-1 just for audio. I can't afford a SCD-1 at all


usually the best sounding ;)

I would not look that much at the specs. One of the best I've heard is a non-oversampling DAC that measures terribly. With 44.1/16 sounds just marvellous. Even ultra-low cost DIY TDA1543 tower (I've built one with 12 chips in the tower [] sounds good with my crappy PC power supply.

Depends on your wallet. It doesn't have to be the SCD-1 after all. Get one of the modded "lower" end players and you'll smile when you compare your gear with the considerably more expensive :D - even some of the most expensive players out there.
yes it DOES look cheap. And was cheap. And is even not expensive modified. And how it sounds I'll find out probably next month when I get mine. According to Allen it has more "bang" than my VSE Lev 5 modded SCD 555ES (European model - not a changer) and otherwise comparable.
Make sure you let us know how it sounds.

If I was to purchase a new CD/SACD player at this time I would purchase one of the following: A new Modwright modified Sony 9100 player, or buy a used player and have the Vacuum State Level 5+ mods or the Modwright Platinum mods applied to it, or buy a new Vacuum State JTLI player.

There are many reviews out there for the Modwright and the Vacuum State players comparing the quality of these players to ones costing three times as much or higher. Positive Feedback is one place where both units have been reviewed.

Make sure you let us know how it sounds.

If I was to purchase a new CD/SACD player at this time I would purchase one of the following: A new Modwright modified Sony 9100 player, or buy a used player and have the Vacuum State Level 5+ mods or the Modwright Platinum mods applied to it, or buy a new Vacuum State JTLI player.

There are many reviews out there for the Modwright and the Vacuum State players comparing the quality of these players to ones costing three times as much or higher. Positive Feedback is one place where both units have been reviewed.


I surely will. At the same time I'll get my 555 modded to 5+, it will be interesting to compare the two. Please bear with me; too much work, so little time for the hobby. Maybe next month.

Never heard the Modwright gear, but have been happy with VSE since the first mod. Made me relatively indifferent to the newer Sonys and the rest, even on RB CD playback. They are working on Teac DV50/60. Now THAT will be something to seriously consider, if I'm not wrong :cool: .

If I was to purchase a new CD/SACD player at this time I would purchase one of the following: A new Modwright modified Sony 9100 player, or buy a used player and have the Vacuum State Level 5+ mods or the Modwright Platinum mods applied to it, or buy a new Vacuum State JTLI player.


If I were in the market and wanted factory fresh for less than $1k I would buy the Rega Apollo. It was the choice for affordable CD/SACD drives in The Absolute Sound. The other choice was the AWESOME transport/DAC from MBL, now that is the one I REALLY WANT!!! About $15k in total for that bad boy!
Thanks for the suggestions. I read about all of the players mentioned, finding out about most of them by way of reading reviews and it would refer to one of those players and other. It's almost an endless trail and I just had to pick a starting place. I was able to get a great price on a Krell dealer demo with full warranty so I ordered it. I should have it next week. I will listen for a while and look for a good deal on the Sony. If I decided to try a third (which won't happen until one of the first two is sold) I will need all suggestions I can get.
