Jason, what do you have in mind when you say "sponsor"?
pay TomDac (owner of MLOF) for a banner ad
Jason, what do you have in mind when you say "sponsor"?
As Jeff said - virtually every solid state amplifier from the late '70s. Also, most CD players measure comparatively well yet some sound quite bad.
I think the ear is capable of picking up naunces in sound that are beyond the capabilities of measuring instruments.
When are you going to step up and sponsor the soon to come Room Acoustic section?
The passion was great!
Great - a difference that large will easily show on any meter. So do you have two speaker cables that you think sound different?
You'd think cable sellers would show graphs proving this point, but I've never seen anything beyond flowery prose and photos of overweight middle age men dancing by themselves.
That's a pretty outrageous claim if you think about it! And I suppose tube amps from back then were all good?
Indeed, why do you think that? Please be specific! And in keeping with the newly imposed "no ducking" policy please answer that specific question.
Say what?! I'm the only one NOT ducking things! Tell you what - you list all the points you think I ducked, and I'll list all the points I've seen others duck. Then nothing will proceed until every ducked question is addressed to the satisfaction of all.
Free ad space? For what, my "truth and justice" sig line? :wtf:
I find it interesting that members get so worked up on either side of this issue.
Well you're pretty dull, huh?I don't know about the rest of you guys, but if a member overtly insults another member I usually count the insult as a weakness of the person delivering the insult and go on to ignore it hoping the lack of attention to it will go noticed again by the person delivering it.
Your lack of understanding of circuit design is becoming more and more apparent the more you post.
I think you need to do a little bit more homework. You're sounding more and more like a mid fi guy as you go on. By the way, how many successful amplifiers have you designed?
Most of the better designers I've talked to would completely disagree with you on the importance of clean power.
Same with Frank Van Alstine. Great guy, great basic engineer and circuit designer, but pretty much another flat earth guy. All amplifiers sound the same, cables don't matter at all and he's not even a fan of acoustic treatments in your room. His stuff sounds very good for the money and is very generic.
But to him, anything that costs more than his gear is frivolous.
This reminds me of a test I did with a local recording engineer. He was certain he'd be able to tell the difference between a $25 sound blaster card and his $6,000 Apogee A/D converter. So he came to my home studio and we recorded some demanding instruments including claves, triangle, and steel string acoustic guitar. Guess what? He couldn't tell one recording from the other. Note that we recorded the same performance into both sound cards at once, so it was a true apples-to-apples comparison.
Ethan, I don't think you realise how resolving modern day stats really are.
we do know we can pinpoint, let's say a "voice" moving the space of 1-2 mm in front of your face. To do this, your ear is evaluating the time differences of that sound reaching one of your ears before the other.