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Nov 25, 2005
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I don't know about the rest of you but I'm sick and tired of Aghanistan, a disgusting, tribal, Third world hell hole if there ever was one. It will be interesting to see what our 'Commander- in- Chief' does in the coming months to hopefully accelerate us getting out of that dung hole !!
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I agree, Dave. We should have been out of there years ago! There is nothing to be gained from trying to "democratize" this country. They have their own culture which dates back thousands of years and we are not going to change that in ten. Oh, and by the way, it's "Commander-in-Chief".
Oh, and by the way, it's "Commander-in-Chief".

Roger that Rich...........see what happens when I have an extra manhattan before dinner !!

hey Wayne, the you tube vid you linked to is 'spot on' !!
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Afgan culture: I don't know much about their actual culture beyond the obviously barbaric treatment of women.

Outrage over disposing of prison reading material: It would be laughable if people weren't actually dying because of it

Good reasons for us being over there militarily: None that I'm aware of now, but then I don't know the geo-political complexities either. It does seem that more focus on an exit strategy would be best for *most* involved - unless you happen to be a woman living there who will likely continue to be treated poorly with no real hope of change because we couldn't democratize the region.

Outrage over our POTUS taking a world view, trying to be culturally senstive: Complicated. Great that he's trying to take the high road (in a clear attempt to try and dial down the extreme over-reaction by the Quran-ians). But the whole situation is just so effed up, I think our "apology" should be in the form of complete withdrawal. From what we hear, we've killed Bin Laden and laid waste to the majority of Taliban and Al-Qaeda leadership - so what's left to accomplish that's worth more troop lives?

BTW, I watched the youtube video posted above. Some of her points could easily be redirected to us (USA)... she said seomthing like "I'm Sorry Karzia that you live in luxury on our money while many of your people are destitute"... huh, she could easily have replaced Karzai with US Congress. This whole "We are better than everyone else" and "the POTUS is a d-bag for taking a world view" mentality that seems to be getting a lot of support lately... not very enlightened for a supposedly enlightened nation. I wonder if Youtube lady has ever stepped foot outside the good old USA? I wonder how may people who seem to know so much about how "we're better than them" have experienced other countries and cultures first hand.
People die in soccer riots, that is probably more ridiculous.

It's pretty simple...

How would we feel if we were occupied by a Muslim army and they burnt a couple of copies of the Bible? A lot of people would probably be ****ed. It wouldn't be the burning itself but what it represents.
People die in soccer riots, that is probably more ridiculous.

It's pretty simple...

How would we feel if we were occupied by a Muslim army and they burnt a couple of copies of the Bible? A lot of people would probably be ****ed. It wouldn't be the burning itself but what it represents.

I don't think I'll vote for Ron Paul, but I have to say, that's one of the things he constantly brings up that I think is extremely on-point... "how would we feel if the tables were turned?" Not sure that question gets asked enough.
"how would we feel if the tables were turned?" Not sure that question gets asked enough.

Totally agree. Funny thing is . . . a lot of the people that are bitching about Obama apologizing for this would be the ones bitching the loudest if the muslims were burning bibles in America.
People die in soccer riots, that is probably more ridiculous.

It's pretty simple...

How would we feel if we were occupied by a Muslim army and they burnt a couple of copies of the Bible? A lot of people would probably be ****ed. It wouldn't be the burning itself but what it represents.

I think your point is ridicules!!!

If america was shafting all the people and treating all the citizens in a most inhumane way then I for 1 would be so happy if a muslin nation came over here to free all the people from an oppressive regime. So me? I would feel pretty good about it

Agreed but I do have one comment.

My sense is that it will be sooner than later under this administration versus a McCain or other administration of his ilk. :devil:

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We do have reasons to be there. It is Pakistan"s nukes. Quite a dilemma . I want out but I want to make sure of Pakistan. Not sure current policy gets us there but really do not have clue what to do.

More collaboration with India could set off a major war.

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We do have reasons to be there. It is Pakistan"s nukes. Quite a dilemma . I want out but I want to make sure of Pakistan.

are we to be afraid of Pakistan ??? i for one can't even fathom the thought of them launching a strike against us, where do they even come close to our capability ?

Not sure current policy gets us there but really do not have clue what to do.

Afgan is a tribal hell hole that will NOT change in yours, mine or for that matter my grandchildrens lifetime. IMO military action should be done surgicaly and covertly for I believe this country really does not have the stomach to wage any further 'war'.

More collaboration with India could set off a major war.

I ssume this is what you mean with respect to Pakistan and it's 'nukes'
I don't know about the rest of you but I'm sick and tired of Aghanistan, a disgusting, tribal, Third world hell hole if there ever was one. It will be interesting to see what our 'Commander- in- Chief' does in the coming months to hopefully accelerate us getting out of that dung hole !!

It certainly will. 'Course, we all know what the previous 'Commander-in-Chief' did: getting us into two unnecessary wars, under wholly false pretenses (remember WMD?), and the United States is certainly the worse off for it, both in terms of Billions of totally wasted $$$$$$$$$ (remember "the Iraqi oil will pay for the war"?) and the horrendous loss of life and terrible wounds (remember "Where have all the flowers / young men gone?)

But, I do agree we need to leave. Now. It is an absolute no-win / no chance of winning there. Our country and our young man and women in the military (and their families) have suffered enough.

To quote General Patton: "All right you sons of bitches, you know how I feel!" :D
Pakistan is not in the hands of rational actors. The nukes and their use or distribution pose significant threats to all.

Thus it is imperative that some restraint be exercised by external forces in some way that is not an existential threat to Pakistan . Our presence in Afghanistan does a bit of this. Not sure what needs to happen after we leave.

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To quote General Patton: "All right you sons of bitches, you know how I feel!" :D

Len, I laughed out load when I read your quote of Patton, can you imagine if he were alive today and was deployed over there to deal with those 'sand rats' !
Len, I laughed out load when I read your quote of Patton, can you imagine if he were alive today and was deployed over there to deal with those 'sand rats' !

I suspect it would be an amazing thing to behold! He was the only one I can imagine who would have been tenacious enough and, well, tough enough to get the job done.

And, he would have put the fear of Allah in them in short order, I'm sure. ;):D:devil:
Pakistan is not in the hands of rational actors. The nukes and their use or distribution pose significant threats to all.

Thus it is imperative that some restraint be exercised by external forces in some way that is not an existential threat to Pakistan . Our presence in Afghanistan does a bit of this. Not sure what needs to happen after we leave.

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So, all this (unusual amount of, on my part) thinking was beginning to make my head hurt. Then I checked out "existentialism":

"Existentialism is a term applied to a school of 20th-century philosophers who, despite profound doctrinal differences,[1][2][3] shared the belief that philosophical thinking begins with the human subject—not merely the thinking subject, but the acting, feeling, living human individual.[4] In existentialism, the individual's starting point is characterized by what has been called "the existential attitude", or a sense of disorientation and confusion in the face of an apparently meaningless or absurd world.[5] Many existentialists have also regarded traditional systematic or academic philosophies, in both style and content, as too abstract and remote from concrete human experience."

And it made my head hurt even more...