Blue jeans

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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2005
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So I know some of you have tried their speaker cable and interconnects. Can you comment on them and compare to products you have used before? The prices look outstanding as does the visual quality of the cable.

I tried search w no luck. Thanks Tim.
They make excellent quality cables for a reasonable price, which do exactly what a cable should do - no more and no less.

I've used BJ and Monoprice interconnects and speaker cables for years, and can recommend them unequivocally.

I agree with Ken. A very good recommend.

Rich, and others, may recommend "Signal Cable". I will recommend "DH Labs".

All companies offer outstanding value for the money.

You can also buy "bulk" from DH Labs, do your own terminations, and save more money.

Example. I wanted two "Power Plus" AC cables / 1.5 meter length. Darren charges $225 per ea. for factory terminated PC's. I ordered bulk with Wattgate terminations. Total cost $130 for two versus $450.

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I used BJ speaker cables and interconnects for many years, and thought they were an excellent value. However, I eventually succumbed to the dreaded "cable wars", and after a number of "cable shootouts" moved up to Audience AU24e all around. In my room/setup, I felt they added additional bass and treble detail that the BJ cables couldn't quite match. YMMV. I've relegated the BJ cables for Home Theater use.
Thanks. This is good to hear. I have some signal power cords. Ill go look at their other products.
Love Signal cables. I use their silver revolution series and find them to be incredibly transparent.
Another very happy BJC customer here. All my balanced interconnects come from them as do the hundreds of feet of speaker cable deployed in my system.
BlueJeans is at a sweet-spot:

a] Reasonable prices
b] High quality mechanical parts & construction
c] Excellent technical information & selection

They even have good technical information for cables that can be purchased elsewhere.