Bad dream

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But if someone did try and take it, the local cops would catch them ‘in flagrante delicto’, as it would take all friggin’ day to unhook and extract over a ton (literally) of gear. :devil:

Plus, Jonathan forgot to mention that he has a vicious attack dog. :ROFL:
BTW: if you're hi-fi is big/fragile or very heavy, they won't nick it. Unless it is pre-planned and they know it is there, I guess.

Even if they do know it's there, and do some serious planning for the size and weight of the stuff, seriously - what are they going to do with it? Due to the fact that it is rare equipment by nature, it is easily trackable. You can't sell it at Cash Converters or at the local pub. As said earlier, I doubt they'd listen to it. There's no point, and too much chance of getting caught. Much easier to stick some cash and diamond rings in your pocket and be in and out in 2 minutes.
Yup - basically my gear is a load of esoteric ***** that no burgular in his right mind would want...

And I guess yours probably is too:)
I have know people who leave some fake but decent fake or cheap jewlery in a chest on there night stand with a couple of hundred bucks inside and then hide the really good stuff in a wall safe or elseware. this way the common crook will feel he got something and take of with it.
I trust in .000 Buck shot ! :rolleyes:No accuracy needed!;)

Actually, I've got one of those too. But it only holds two shells. The Glock takes a little more aim, but provides many more chances to hit the target. :D
a auto loading or pump shotgun with the shortest possible barrel is the best home defense weapon money can buy.

1) a handgun can easily be taken away from you no matter how good you think you are with it you are not that good.
2) you have a high probability of killing your neighbors with a pistol
3) trying to aim a pistol in a high stress environment is easier said than done
generally the only people capable of this have had extensive hand to hand combat training along with field and battle experience.
4)you get to use two hands to hold a shotgun and it is not as easily turned against you.
5)pistol shooters are often very surprised when after they shoot there attacker (usually bod shots) they continue the assault.a shotgun will literally blow chunks out of your assailant causing shock and bleed out almost immediately

I would choose the shotgun any day of the week they are easier to keep track of and to safely lock from children.

just my opinion take it for what its worth
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Having extensive experience shooting pistols, rifles, and shotguns in a high stress environment (competitive cowboy action shooting), I agree with a lot of what you say in an environment where the target is less than ten to fifteen feet away (which is probably true in most home environments). But if your target is beyond that distance, the pistol becomes much easier to accurately aim and hit your target with a lethal shot while under stress than the shotgun. This comes from experience in timed shooting competitions where you have to hit targets the size of a dinner plate at anywhere from 10 to 50 feet in a certain order as quickly as you can, firing off multiple rounds at different targets in a prescribed order. Every round that misses its target is a point loss. I have found that I am generally much more accurate with a single action revolver than with the shotgun in these high stress competitions. I know for a fact that I am even more accurate with the Glock than I am with my Ruger revolvers.

Also, because you pretty much have to use both arms to shoot the shotgun, you cannot easily hide behind cover (such as a wall) and effectively shoot at someone else. With a pistol, it is easier to reach around cover and aim and shoot while still keeping most of your body protected somewhat from oncoming fire. And I promise you, someone getting hit with one of my high-power .45 cal. hollow points will not keep coming. It is not the same as a .25 cal. or 9mm. It packs a serious punch and the impact alone will put someone on the ground. Pistols are just as easily kept track of and locked away from children. You can get a biometric fingerprint safe that will fit in a bedside table.

Again, I am not disagreeing with everything you are saying. Just clarifying my own opinions on the matter. I'll stick with the Glock for home protection, thanks just the same. But if I need it, the 12 gauge isn't far from reach. :devil:
good point Rich but my comments are really directed to the person with little gun experience who is trying to self defend in a home invasion . with the proper shot size and and powder load shotguns are deadly and accurate well beyond 15 feet.besides if you are being attacked and your attacker is beyond this distance take cover or run the more distance you have between you and your attacker the higher your chances for survival .anyway individual circumstances vary always go with what you are comfortable with. Glock makes a good gun no doubt! I really like there 40S&W to choose a handgun for personal protection I would probably go S&W .357mag 4"barrel I would give up capacity for reliability and ease of use I am fairly good with that caliber and it has excellent stopping power
just to clarify I am not an expert and this is just my opinion
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I am so glad I live in a country with tighter gun laws than the US. There are many great things about the US, but IMHO, the right to bear arms ain't one of 'em...
Do you not believe a person has the right to bear arms in order to protect his family and home? Just curious.

I am so glad I live in a country with tighter gun laws than the US. There are many great things about the US, but IMHO, the right to bear arms ain't one of 'em...

Im Glad YOU are a KANADEEN then. You wouldn't be French would You ?

I have had experience with insurance. They did not replace my components, all I got was vouchers for a local audio outlet that did not sell high end equipment. So I just got a 52 inch flat screen tv instead.
Good Insurance and detailed receipts are a must, I had an incident many years ago where I was broken into, and while the insurance didnt cover actual replacement I had the fore sight to add a couple other items to the list to "cover depreciation"

as far as defending your property most break ins ocour when you are not home the cowards most crack heads are. However I would much prefer a large caliber handgun for defending myself from lethal force. That is how you must define it. If you shoot an intruder just because he is there to steal from you YOU are in trouble you must be in fear for your life to use lethal force.

Hopefully none of us will be faced with that situation but if I am I will make damn sure that the perp will not have the opportunity to tell his side of the story.

If you dont believe in guns you could just throw your shoes at them

I am so glad I live in a country with tighter gun laws than the US.

I'm glad you do too, if that is what you prefer. Personally, I prefer the right to defend myself with lethal force if necessary, to hunt for game if I choose, and to use firearms for recreational activities like target shooting and skeet shooting.

Perhaps you would prefer the system they have in England as told by User211 above, where they catch the crooks and then give them free drugs and counseling instead of punishing them for their crimes.

If you shoot an intruder just because he is there to steal from you YOU are in trouble you must be in fear for your life to use lethal force.

Not in my State! :D In Alabama, the fact that they broke in is all you need and you are protected from criminal or civil punishment for using deadly force to protect yourself. You have no duty to retreat or to show that you were in imminent fear of harm.
when you take guns away from the law abiding citizen you just empower the criminals I have actually seen interviews with criminals from other counties laughing about this fact.
Do you not believe a person has the right to bear arms in order to protect his family and home? Just curious.

I believe that someone has the right to use whatever force they deem necessary to protect their home and property, even if that force is lethal force.

But I also think it's true that in the US guns have become a bit of an arms race. The bad guys have 'em, so the good guys also feel obliged to get one. So the bad guys get bigger and more guns, and so it continues. Columbine, anyone?
If we should outlaw anything it should be the ability of scumbag bars that over serve there patrons every night and cause countless DUI deaths of innocent victims every year and it is legal for these scumbags to still operate. Columbine
just shows us how out of touch we are with our children and how badly social values have went down the tubes along with our education system. if it was not a gun they used it would have been fire or poison or a bomb or something. the problem with America is not the guns it is the hearts of the men and women who pull the triggers guns do not fire by themselves.