rynopr said:tsd,
You're an Arcam dealer?
Yes, but we have a strict policy about mail order and the max discount we can offer is 10%. We're legally binded to an agreement to not sell most of our product for more than 10% off (Martin Logan is more strict with a 5% max).
We generally get around that for deals by throwing in Wire at cost, or better than cost. Some products we can work around, but Arcam is tough.
is the site to email and request permission to seek out a dealer outside of your area (and to make the point that you don't have an area).
Now they can sell you items direct. They have a B Stock plan that generally goes thru the dealers, but I've heard of cases where they sold direct to the customer. These units are generally the units given out to Press for reviews, Demos for shows, or over-stock. Currently you can get an AV8 for $4k I believe. However the AV9 is out, so they might drop that more than the 20% it is currently off.
All B-Stock units generally get a 20% off minimum. Actual defected units that are fixed get a further discount around 25% off. All have complete warranties.
Call them, and see if you can work out a deal. If they will sell it to you at 10% off you're getting a straight deal. If they do better, then you are getting a great deal.
You could also ask to receive the first DV137 that comes off the Review or Show rounds.