Initially most of us here didn't think that the invasion of Ukraine would affect us... but it did! Not only did it affect the world but also tube suppliers! Lucky enough I bought a full tube replacement for my monoblocks, which was around $900 in March. Now that exact same supplier is charging nearly 2grand for a set of eight KT120's! Bloody crazy
Since March, prices over here started to go bonkers... fuel, groceries, day to day supplies, even basics like single malt and a decent Shiraz! (My personal basics...

Then suddenly covid hits again, really bad this winter and it's tad chilly down unda, atm 1C in Melb. Influenza A, then type B & type C... omicron variant, 18 die of flu alone last week, my fellow countrymen in Colombo are suffering big time, no basics fuel & gas supplies and 5 million people in desperate need of food... and the list goes on. Good on them though, they kicked out the President who was very corrupt and has been convicted of war crimes, I say power to the people!
And here I am wondering if I should upgrade my monoblocks to CJ's top of the line ART108A (160w Class A monoblocks).
As I saw the events unfold, plus the numerous calls I was receiving asking for help... that's when I went into sudden reality check!!! What the heck am I doing, what am I complaining about, do I have any real problems compared to any one of these people in SL... I seriously don't think so!
So, I cancelled my order on those ART amplifiers and took a long hard look at what I've already got, it's brilliant! I've already got 60w Class A monoblocks, so why on earth do I need to spend 65grand for another set of 160w monoblocks... just doesn't make sense. Is it greed, ego or insecurity...? then I realised it's all about reproduced music, after all we want to extract the best from our favourite recordings, and currently that is exactly what my present system is doing!
Ok! Also thanks to the wifey for giving me a few good slaps to take a closer look at myself and be thankful

So my next course of action was to help these people as much as possible in any way I can. Now funding a small church project up north looking after providing meals to kids who's families were affected by SL's economic crisis, such that the parents couldn't earn a living, so their own children were ending up in orphanages where basic meals of milk & bread were being provided. We're not talking about steak with chips and salad on the side with a glass of red here!
Due to this situation it really opened my eyes! If I had gone ahead with that ART amp purchase, not only would I have been absolutely miserable but also lost respect from the wifey...
Those Art amps are 50grand $USD so by the time it lands in Aus, with customs, duty plus shipping costs about 70grand $AUD all up. That's like committing a crime knowing that my fellow mates in SL are struggling to make ends meet.
Music is a very important part of my life, it helps to unwind, relax from a hard day's work, it delivers all the emotions you need and most of all it's a form of therapy, for me at least! That's when I realised what I've put together is way more than adequate to enjoy the music! Why bother with anything else.
For those of you out there thinking about upgrading and perhaps could afford a few extra spend without going overboard, plan it out carefully and make wise decisions. Don't just dump money for the sake of it knowing thst you're going to regret it sooner or later. After all, what's the point in upgrading if you're not going to be truly enjoying it!
I just checked on the prices on the Masterpiece line, dam! They start at 11grand and go all the way up to 160grand! Talk about disposable income... I think we'll never see those competitive prices compared to other markets like Spore or the US... these are now considered luxury items! Where CJ is concerned, forget it! Their entry level gear starts at 15grand... once again lucky enough I put together all this gear and finalised on the existing LP series monoblocks only three years ago. Now, these monoblocks are obsolete! The new ones are available at 50grand! Hoorah!
I'm very grateful for what I've achieved and put together, and I'm sure many of you feel the same way with your personal reference systems... Now, just sit back and enjoy those fine tunes!
Woof! RJ