I'm a big fan of the Plinius amps.
The S400 might drive Maxx2's decently. It isn't the synergy I'd go for. I currently am using the S400 with my Summits. I'm extremely happy with the sound.
Gale Sanders used the old VTL Wotan for the Statements that were in his house. I know he switched them out for the Siegfrieds. Interestingly I believe he used 2 for each speaker. About $250k just for speakers and amplification.
The MB185 is nice on smaller speakers, but you really need to go big with VTL to get the most out of them. The MB185 might be better with a Summit or Vantage where its only powering the panel.
I'd rather go with a Plinius SA-250 if I'm looking in the under $10k price range. Over $10k and I'd suggest the S400 by VTL.