I believe the answer is yes. The impedance of the panels are getting too low at some point and driving the amp to a point where it can't supply the current necesssary. Of course if you are way up on the volume control, you could also be overdriving the amplifier too.
Whatever amplifier you choose to go with, make sure the specifications list the amps ability to deliver power down to below 4 ohms, preferably 2 ohms. Not all amps can double down for each halving of the impedance, but if they can deliver to two ohms you should be good. Here's an explanation of doubling down: (Double down means that the amplifiers output in wattage will double each time the impedance is divided in half. If you have 100 Watts at 8 ohms, a well designed amp will put out 200 watts at 4 ohms. Likewise, a well designed amp should then put out 400 watts at 2 ohms). Of course along with this capability, the amps cost will go up due to larger and better designed internal parts in addition to larger capacitors and weighing a lot more. It sounds (no pun intended) like the Adcom does not have the ability to double down nor the storage capacitance to handle high volume low impedance loads.