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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. asindc

    How do you deliver digital content to your DAC?

    External HDD containing files---> Mac Mini---> USB cable---> Berkeley USB converter---> AES/EBU cable---> DAC. 1) The external HDD has a companion backup drive. I have a 2nd backup that I keep at the office; 2) The Mac Mini has a SDD to run the operating system and playback software, which is...
  2. asindc


    I have replaced the stock fuses in my preamp, phono pre, and HT amp (the Brystons do not use fuses) with HiFi Tuning Supreme fuses. These fuses cost between $50-$90, depending on size and where purchased. In every case, they have made a noticeable improvement in sound commiserate with the...
  3. asindc

    What is your WAF level?

    I'm single so my response is not among the poll choices. When I was married, I called dibs on one room in the house. If I bought anything costing $1K or more I discussed it with her at my insistence, even though she never objected to any of my purchases. Same thing with my cycling hobby. The...
  4. asindc

    Integrated Amp Choice?

    A friend of mine raves about his Cary SLI-80, which he has at his beach house. I haven't heard it yet myself, but I trust his ears and he just loves it.
  5. asindc

    Stillpoints under Spires.

    It has been explained to me by Bruce Jacobs of Stillpoints and my dealer that Ultra 5s are most effective with heavier components and that SSs are better deployed (from an economic standpoint) whenever possible, as the SSs are the sweet spot in the lineup. With the Spires being 58 lbs. each and...
  6. asindc

    Stillpoints under Spires.

    I recently have been trying different isolation/vibration management tweaks under all of my components, with excellent results generally. In fact, I now consider such tweaking to be as essential as acoustic treatments. With the Spires, I initially tried some Track Audio spikes...
  7. asindc

    Kindest Regards from Highland Park, IL

    Welcome, Ttocs!
  8. asindc

    Anyone familiar with Cary 805AE mono blocks and 211FE/AE mono blocks?

    Yes they do. I would put their large speakers up against anyone else's. Outstanding speakers. Totally agree, though between the two choices presented I would go with the 211FEs with just about any speaker larger than bookshelfs.
  9. asindc

    Turntables,, how good to go?

    Dave, You know I agree with that, of course. And as others have noted, the phono stage is not to be neglected.
  10. asindc

    New turntable in da house!

    Interesting. I've seen many pictures of different TTs with copper platters but I never gave it much thought as to the sound characteristics. They have always looked nice to me, though. I wonder if VPI has ever contemplated offering a copper platter option, or if their TTs are voiced...
  11. asindc

    New turntable in da house!

    Steve, why was a copper platter a factor for you?
  12. asindc

    New turntable in da house!

    Nice looking turntable! Congrats on the new acquisition!
  13. asindc

    History does repeat itself again

    [Snark/]But Gordon, how would war profiteers make money if we funded health care and education instead of war?[snark/]
  14. asindc

    Mac Mini Upgrades

    Exactly. Only needs to be plugged in while charging.
  15. asindc

    Mac Mini Upgrades

    Based on reviews of battery PSs in general, apparently so.
  16. asindc

    Jeff Lorber Fusion- Wizard Island

    Artist: Jeff Lorber Fusion Title: Wizard Island Label: Arista AL 9516 Year: 1980 Jeff Lorber Fusion- Wizard Island on vinyl. This is one of my favorite jazz/funk fusion albums and it deserved much more recognition than it got, even with it reaching #1 on the jazz charts. It features Lorber...
  17. asindc

    Relaxin with The Miles Davis Quintet

    I have this album and it is superb, including the sound quality, especially for a 50s recording.
  18. asindc

    Mac Mini Upgrades

    The Red Wine Black Lightning is a battery power supply that takes current from the wall and supplies battery power to the component attached to it. You charge up the Black Lightning and then unplug it when using the component. It is meant to disengage the connected component from your power...
  19. asindc

    Mac Mini Upgrades

    I haven't tried any of these particular products on my Mac Mini, but I can attest to the fact that vibration control devices do make a difference. As for the Red Wine Black Lightning, that is something I attend to try at some point, given that it would allow me to completely take my Mac Mini...
  20. asindc

    Mac Mini Upgrades

    Neither can I. In fact, it is one of the reasons why Mac Minis are so popular among audiophiles. As for whether upgrading the power supply is worth it, I don't know, but too many people have reported good results to not give it some consideration. In my experience, any potential upgrade to...