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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. ralflar

    How many here have a Blue-Ray player?

    An older 60GB PS3 for playing region A discs and a current 40GB PS3 for playing region B. As for discs, Planet Earth is one of my favorites. Or were you asking about music BRs?
  2. ralflar

    Placette passive preamp?

    Well, lets say that is a good thing. It saves you money.
  3. ralflar

    Placette passive preamp?

    Well Alan, that did not take you long now, didn't it :). And what a good choice! The VPC-3 is probably the best line stage available for $300 if sources and amp are compatible with the requirements of a passive pre. A stock SB3 can drive my amps to full scale and so can the CIA DAC I'm...
  4. ralflar

    Placette passive preamp?

    Bernard, my first passive was a VPC-2, a predecessor of the current VPC-3. One of the main upgrades in the VPC-3 is the better Alps pot which it shares with the PLC-1. The VPC-2 is fine at volumes beyond 10 - 11 o'clock. Below that the PLC-1 (and therefore the VPC-3) is much much better indeed.
  5. ralflar

    Greetings fellow ML owners!

    Ciao Adam, how nice to see you on this board! I wanted to say hello for a while now. (Have been net-lazy lately.) When you get your XPA-2s, and write up a review for the Lounge, make sure you let this board know about it as well. Is your speaker Odyssey over? :)
  6. ralflar

    Placette passive preamp?

    I have not heard the Placette so I can only comment from the general perspective of someone who loves passives. Like you said, the output/input impedance ratio of your DAC/Belles looks healthy. An uncertainty remains about output/input sensitivity i.e. does the DAC-1 output have enough voltage...
  7. ralflar

    Emotiva October Sale

    This thread was a sleeping zombie until someone raised the undead. I believe it was *you* ;).
  8. ralflar

    Vantage vs. Ascent I

    They'll come around in another 40 hours Mikael, I believe that the crossover frequency between woofer and panel is lower on the Ascent. IMO 400Hz (Vantage) is too high. In this frequency range human hearing can easily localize sources of sound. This might explain some of what you are hearing...
  9. ralflar

    Recomended Surge & Line Conditioners?

    Some of you may find this interesting: Panamax and Furman tout different protection technologies - both are owned by the same parent company.
  10. ralflar

    Emotiva October Sale

    Since I don't know the NAD or high end active pre-amps in general I can't comment on differences. As for the RSP-1, I like my passive line stage better. You can search for my assessment of the RSP-1. While you are there search also for related posts by "kunayama". He is someone...
  11. ralflar

    Emotiva October Sale

    Timm, Sorry for the late response. D-200 info is here: Regarding XPA-2 vs XPA-5: the same power supply which feeds 2 channels in one model has to drive 5 channels in the other. The XPA-2 also has more heat sinks per channel than the XPA-5. Finally, a lot of the total...
  12. ralflar

    Amp questions needing answers???

    Regarding the Panamax M5400-PM, I think you can get the same functionality for much less. The APC-H15 voltage regulator sounds and protects well, and sells between $290 and $350.
  13. ralflar

    Emotiva October Sale

    You are quite right. There was a recent discussion on one of the Emotiva boards whether Emotiva overcharged to shipping. The shipping charge is a flat rate for the whole of the US i.e. it costs the same to ship 80 pounds to Kansas or California. The shipping includes all handling charges...
  14. ralflar

    Emotiva October Sale

    Richard, The MMC-1 is a cheaper version (different case, XLRs removed) of the Emo DMC-1 on which the TG IV is based. The DMC-1 does have balanced outputs. However, I thought you were referring to the Symphonic Reference stereo pre-amp versus the Emo RSP-1, see the end of post #10 in this...
  15. ralflar

    Emotiva October Sale

    During promotional sales shipping is usually included in the price. This was also the case in July when I bought. And since I bought 4 components - 3 of which were on sale, 1 was not - I got an extra discount on top of the sales prices. At other times shipping is not included in the price...
  16. ralflar

    Emotiva October Sale

    Richard, You want to look at those backplane pictures again. (1) It is the Sunfire which lacks the XLR terminals! (2) "Sonic Holography". Beg your pardon?
  17. ralflar

    Emotiva October Sale

    In a word, the LPA-1 and RPA-1 sound neutral, fast, and dynamic. They have clarity and detail. The RPA-1 punches well in the low octaves. (Can't comment on the LPA-1 in this respect - I use it in movie mode i.e. the sub does the low bass work.) It plays well above its perceived value. The...
  18. ralflar

    Bel Canto Amplfiers

    The Bel Canto amps use ICEpower Class D modules. The technology was developed by Bang & Olufsen. I was once interested in Bel Canto's REF1000 mono blocks. Since there was no evidence that Bel Canto had done anything to improve on the stock design, I thought they were severely overpriced, so I...
  19. ralflar

    Would Vantages be considered a two way or three way speaker?

    The possibility of having custom cables made without extra cost (other than material) is a big benefit of Signal Cable. My Silver Resolutions have Silver Bullets on the pre-amp side, XLRs on the amp side. That way I don't need RCA-to-XLR adapters. However, my favorite Signal interconnect is the...
  20. ralflar

    Emotiva October Sale

    Emotiva build all all their equipment in China. The rub is, Emotiva is the OEM. They own the factories. They are the contractor who builds for other companies. It is most likely the Sunfire TG IV which is based on the DMC-1, not the other way around. Sources...