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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. W

    Summit X to CLX - is it worth it?

    I have heard both but never A/B and the integration is better with the electrostatic woofer..but the resolution from about 400hz is no different IMO.
  2. W

    Interesting find when pulling out my Summit back plates...

    There would be some big problems with the natural roll-off below the frequency set by the width of the panel if the panel was run full range...but I would certainly like to see if ML could lower the crossover frequency to less than 200hz.
  3. W

    Bryston 28SST2 1000W with ML's

    I use the Bryston 14BSST with my CLS2Z and would only trade if I was going to the series 2...preferably the 28's
  4. W

    System #288 (SL3, Theater)

    Impressive setup...I bought for first Martin Logans at Audible Elegance in Cincinnati (SL-3s !) before moving to Florida....I miss Blue Ash Chili.
  5. W

    Clx vs clsiiz

    Roberto...thank you for the comparison. As an owner of the CLSz2 I have been wondering about and considering the conceptual differences between these two designs and how the sonics might differ. After having both the SL3s and the CLS I feel the narrower high/mid frequecy panel versus...
  6. W

    WTF? CLX at Sound Advice?

    I bought my CLSz2 from the (former) Sound Advice in Sarasota. I also got to hear the E2 Statements at an invite at that was a good outfit...IMHO when they closed and Tempest Audio moved the high end died in our town.
  7. W

    front-firing vs. down-firing subwoofers

    I have a down firing ACI Saturn using an OAUDIO plate amp and AC-12 woofer( no longer available) in one corner and a Depth i in the other...the Saturn is cleaner and spreads the sound in a manner which makes it hard point out it's location ...the Depth points right to itself...if I were to start...
  8. W

    Martin Logan's ..power cable choice.

    Wire and power cord threads always make you wonder why Martin Logan and other high end manufactuers sell their products complete with inadequate AC wire:rolleyes:
  9. W

    Let the amp war begin!

    I concur...if possible you should try out the intended amp with YOUR speakers. I use a Bryston and though their amps do well with Maggies I was little concerned it might not work well with my CLSZ2...I was wrong...since you like the Hybrid LSA you may want to consider the tube preamp/ss amp...
  10. W

    Maggies in the Main Room

    I think you hit on it....sort of a CLX lite...I thought about this when I was comparing the Request to the Maggie 3.6 side by side. The bass/midbass was so much more defined and well integrated on the Maggie where the e-panel in the Request was much more transparent and seamless above about...
  11. W

    Amp choice for CLS IIz

    I agree ...the room and positioning and repositioning of your speaker is the largest variable in the sound of these speakers. I use my CLSz2 with a Bryston and love it but moving the speaker 2 inches this way or that changed the sound in significant was a much larger difference than a...
  12. W

    Squeezebox/DAC advice

    I use a Benchmark with my Squeezebox...very clean sound.
  13. W

    New Summit X Review in TAS - Better than any dynamic speaker under $40K

    agree...IMHO it is the position of the woofer + the fact it (the panel due to width and resonance) has to be crossed above 150hz + the woofer is not a dipole leads to the incongruity most hear. THe Summit and Spire are still excellent and I have heard all the Maggies and none (again just my...
  14. W

    Are the new panels better?

    let us know his thoughts
  15. W

    Service Notice for Discontinued Products

    not exactly replacements...but check
  16. W

    Are the new panels better?

    Maybe Justin or Dana Brown could give us a little insight into the sonics of the newer replacement panels. There is a thread on the Audiogon Forum about new CLS2 panels and some sonic improvements noted. It would be interesting if one of the engineer/designers of the CLX would "fess up" and tell...
  17. W

    System #104 (Summit / CLS II)

    Beautiful set-up...can you give us just a personal taste of the sonic differences of the CLS v. the battle intended...just for fun:music:
  18. W

    New Martin Logan Speakers!

    as a former Cincinnati boy :bowdown: agree
  19. W

    Quick Q: Sunfire Amps...older vs. newer models

    I had the 17" Sunfire and sold it for the Bryston 14BSSt...sorry I heard the Pass compared to the Bryston 28 monoblocks...I'll stick with the Canadian with the 20 year warranty:music: