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  1. H

    Best sub under $1k to add to Spire/Theater i setup?

    I am glad that you like your sub, but it has serious limitations and especially so in a larger room. I've had subs at pretty much every price point in a large room and with nearly everything except the bottom of the list, I thought that what I had dug deep and was powerful. Every time I...
  2. H

    subs integration with either passive and active woofers?

    It really shouldn't make a difference - it is all about the sub set up: proper placement, phase configuration, and EQ to smooth everything out.
  3. H

    Best sub under $1k to add to Spire/Theater i setup?

    Seriously? Did you look at them before you made the recommendation? I am not angry, but that list from whichever magazine you pulled it from is a joke and was certainly a list of advertiser money, not performance. Not one of them has any chance of even outperforming the Grotto, let alone...
  4. H

    Best sub under $1k to add to Spire/Theater i setup?

    A brief look at those sub specs says that they're all junk.
  5. H

    Best sub under $1k to add to Spire/Theater i setup?

    A depth won't fill that room. You might be able to find a used descent that would keep up OK in there. In the end, though, you'll probably be best served going with one of the big subs from the internet direct companies.
  6. H

    Apogee Comparison

    I have spent a fair amount of time (and money) in Audio Solutions. Nice guys and a lot of nice equipment moves through there.
  7. H

    Building a lifestyle theater in basement & need speaker selection & placement advice

    I have Summits in a room longer and slightly narrowers than that and it can produce painful SPL's all the way to the backwall. SPL isn't going to be an issue unless you're using a small amp, but if you want the most even response across all of the seats possible they're not going to do it. The...
  8. H

    USB Cable discovery.

    The only way that this could happen is if someone is burning a copy to a CD with a crappy burner on a crappy CD, then copying it back off with a dying CD player. Digital copies are easily created perfectly.
  9. H

    Fairly new Spires ...Woofers a flapping like crazy!!! Please help?

    Unless the EQ is jacking up the bass in both the avr and the EQ1. Take them both out of the loop and see if anything changes.
  10. H

    Montis review

    I replaced ascents with summits and don't think the ascent midrange performance was even close to the summit. They are the same size panel and the summit has newer technology...
  11. H

    Montis In Comparison With Summit X Advice

    I wouldn't pay that much for used, no warranty summit x (although that is what they bring). I paid about $8800 for mine from the dealer. Search around, I bet that you will find a deal like that if you try hard enough.
  12. H

    Montis In Comparison With Summit X Advice

    I haven't heard the Montis, but I'd guess they're pretty similar beyond the SummitX having a far more substantial bass section. I don't know what street price of the montis is, but I brought home a showroom demo pair of Summit X with full warranty for substantially under the Montis MSRP. Just...
  13. H

    Montis review

    No, the ML bass section does not contain subwoofers, it contains woofer. They play too high into the frequency range to be relocated away from the rest of the speaker.
  14. H

    Martin Logan Panel Repair Available In Germany

    Looks like marketing BS to me.
  15. H

    Martin Logan Panel Repair Available In Germany

    All speaker drivers are consumable. You're out of your mind if you think that they're not. The only difference is that they're less likely to fail in a short time due to environmental issues like the stat panels are.
  16. H

    Martin Logan Panel Repair Available In Germany

    No, I don't believe that the tripling of prices was just, especially without notice. But the real question I ask is were they always lower than all of their competition and maybe artificially low? I would suspect that today they're inline with the rest of the market.
  17. H

    Martin Logan Panel Repair Available In Germany

    No, we're on the same page. I am not saying that the price hike was right, especially the way that it was done. However, in the grand scheme of things, I understand and everyone else is charging similar money. If it costs me $2700 to nearly entire overhaul $10-15k speakers, I did ok. The...
  18. H

    Martin Logan Panel Repair Available In Germany

    Those tweeters and woofers most certainly wear out. And really, it is pretty common to blow those diamond tweeters on a not so long term schedule. They might be less susceptible to environmental issues, but the problems still exist.