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  1. Fidji99

    Expression 13A, Source, Motion series Atmos tops and sides

    and the rear wall (no upper subs are not about to slide, is just optics of ipad camera), around 1.8m from rear wall to MLP.
  2. Fidji99

    Expression 13A, Source, Motion series Atmos tops and sides

    Photos are from the speaker manufacturer, so also Esoteric is his [he uses Pass Class A and Hypex D Class for voicing] Great guy to work with, voicing of the speakers is much closer to electrostats, even compared with ML own bookshelves. BTW he won some competition...
  3. Fidji99

    Room Correction Software REW & Mini DSP

    hi, there is quite big and helpful community around minidsp here
  4. Fidji99

    Class D amp with 15a

    I do. Apollon Audio PET1200 with Weiss OpAmps. 375/750/1200 into 8/4/2 ohms an 40A max current. Love absolute transparency and silence.
  5. Fidji99

    BACCH4Mac pricing

    Whatever has “audiophile” in the description costs 3x more than it should.
  6. Fidji99

    Masterpiece positioning

    I am driving panels with D Class amps - first 13A's and now 15A's. Purifi 1et400 [25a] & 13A - you could hear that it was limiting factor [compressed treble] , this is why I went for Purifi 1et7040 with 40A of current and the issues were gone. I use new 1et9040ba (bridged d class) module from...
  7. Fidji99

    Expression 13A, Source, Motion series Atmos tops and sides

    For quite some time I have perceived my surround and overhead speakers to be the weaker part of my setup - bed plane 6x Motion 35XTi and overhead 7xMotion 15i. While not bad as such - let's be honest, I think they are not adequate to front 3 of 15A and 34A. As I more and more optimize...
  8. Fidji99

    Masterpiece positioning

    Actually - 13a’s are not that much bigger in size compared to 11a’s. 15a’s are the big boys. Difference in performance is much bigger than difference in size - 13a’s are the sweet spot of ML offer in my opinion. You can fit 13a in every rom, where you can fit 11a and they sound significantly...
  9. Fidji99

    Masterpiece positioning

    110 cm is OK - rule of thumb for Masterpiece - back side of the woofer enclosure should be min the size of woofer from the wall. So you shoul be ok, e.g. 13a 25cm also 2.2 m is more than enough, i had them at some point 1.8m apart and no toe in, sound was good, on top you have option to use ARC...
  10. Fidji99

    Subwoofer recommendation

    I can not force myself to recommend any ugly black cube into this beautiful room. Go for something unobtrusive - ML Abyss, SVS micro 3000, KEF. Big part of end result will be, how you will integrate sub with your mains - my experience with ML subs has been very good - app alllows for all the...
  11. Fidji99

    Advice on room size for 13a / 15a

    Hi, size of your room is ok for both 13a amd 15a (i have 15a in 32 sqm, so much smaller than yours). couple of notes - 20in/50cm from side wall is definitely not optimal, you will see significant benefits if you at least double the distance from side walls - this is valid for all electrostats...
  12. Fidji99

    New house, new adventures, new problems

    Why not try something built around ICEPower modules that are also used in Masterpiece speakers? I know this is EU site, but gives the idea about the pricing...
  13. Fidji99

    Three Channel Amp

    One important thing to mention - maybe i will get corrected - there is a difference betwenn ml15a and clx - ml15 have active bass section, adding 1000w per speaker as supporting wattage, so you need to feed only the panel. Still you need an amp stable up to 2 ohms. In any case - look at power...
  14. Fidji99

    7.2.4 Setup Complete

    I think you will end up buying 3 amps for L C R. 2xCLX will be more, than smallish AVR amps are able to handle, especially its current requirement. There is one transformer to feed all 11CH. But on a flipside - Watts are cheap today, so for 1k USD/channel you can get already solid wattage. Enjoy
  15. Fidji99

    Ceiling Speaker Location

    Most important is to get vertical angles and positioning right - if you put your speakers at angled part of the walls and have this space between ear level and height speakers, you will be good. Those holes with cables are too low. I would not worry thar much about vertical positioning, this is...