Ok. I'm back from listening to the Wilson's. Lenny had mucho sound treatments and top quality gear and the sound was wonderful. So, now it's time to check out the Aerius.
I removed the back panel screws and the panel practically fell onto my lap. Very easy to remove. Hey, this is going good. 1st step, visual inspection. Actually, the electronics look brand new, there's not a spec of dust anywhere. I expected some dust and maybe a few cobwebs. Here's a pic, notice it looks different than some other Aerius guts posts. I guess Martin Logan tries different things out during model runs.
Ok, first thing I notice is yes, it has a fuse! Wait, it doesn't look right. Meter says it's open. So, off to Radio Shack for some fast blow, quarter amp, 250 volt fuses. Here's a pic of the fuse...
I'm back. The fuses I got are the same rating, but I can't even see the wire inside. The fuse that was there had some thick metal inside. But, they're both rated the same, so ...
I hooked everything back up and put some music on and damn, still no sound from the left side. So, take the back off again and yes, the fuse is blown. Ok, I'm going to unplug them and tomorrow I'll swap out the panels. Guess I couldn't be uppky enough for it just to have been a fuse.